Chapter 57

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Feeling something tickling against the back of my neck, I shivered slightly and let out a light groan as I rolled over a little in bed. Slowly rubbing my eyes, I opened one eye then two, and soon found myself staring at the side of a wall. That's when I remembered I was still in Sebastian's bed.

As though to confirm that fact, I felt Sebastian's arm shift from where he still had it snuggly wrapped around my waist. The top he'd lent me had ridden up some, causing his hand to accidentally brush against the warm skin of my stomach. There was something incredibly comforting about it as was the feel of his torso shrouding my back through the thin material of my shirt.

If I could wake up every day to the feel of him wrapping me up warm, I couldn't say I'd be all too mad. And don't even get me started on the smell of him. He must have a shower right before going to bed because he still smelt comfortingly like warm soap and shampoo.

With the topic of smell at the top of my mind, I started to wonder how I smelled. Surely since he'd voluntarily pressed himself so close to me, I had to be smelling pretty good. And at the very least, I knew I couldn't have had morning breath.

About an hour ago, I'd secretly woken up and snuck a few mints from where I knew he kept them in his top bedside drawer. Sad, I know, but paranoia stopped me from doing anything different.

Suddenly the rhythmical rise and fall of his chest from behind me was interrupted and suddenly I felt him shifting quite heavily behind me. His hand soon slipped from my waist, and I heard him let out a sigh. Unable to stop myself, I rolled softly over in bed to face him.

Lying on his side, he blinked in surprise as he saw me, and he soon smiled softly at me. "Morning, sleep well?" he said, his voice still low and croaky from sleep.

My breath sharpened as I took in his adorably messy hair, and his plump smiling lips. And then there were his dark-brown eyes -sharp and stunning. It baffled me how someone could have such a perfect face and what baffled me even more was how I'd never truly noticed till now.

As his smile grew a little more, I felt butterflies dance through my stomach.

He opened his mouth to speak but I cut off his words by leaning forward and pressing my lips against his. Sebastian went stiff in surprise as I started kissing him. My mind was far too fogged with want, for me to consider the impact of my actions. This morning I decided I no longer gave a fuck. I liked kissing Sebastian, so I was simply going to do it.

Sebastian started to kiss me back and put a hand almost immediately around my back to draw me in. Then suddenly, he stopped and pulled back. "Wait," Sebastian said slightly breathlessly. "I thought you said no kissing. I'm so confused. Do you want this or not?" he mumbled, his brows knotting with the deepest of confusion.

I swallowed, hard as I remembered my earlier words. He was right, I was one hundred percent giving mixed signals. "Well, I changed my mind," I answered smoothly enough. Then before I got a chance to second-guess myself, I grabbed him by the chin and once more pulled my lips to his.

Sebastian groaned this time, and all hesitation was lost, he started clawing against the back of my top as he started kissing me back. It was clear he had decided he'd do the kissing now, and the questioning later and that was sure as hell cool with me.

Before I knew it, Sebastian had rolled me onto my back and climbed a top of me so he could dominate the kiss. And I would be lying straight through my teeth if I didn't admit that it was hot.

As Sebastian continued to kiss me with a fervent hunger, I drifted my hands up to this hair, so I could run my fingers through the dark locks of his hair while tugging him closer to me. At this point, I became perceptive of the minty taste of his mouth, and I bit back a smile, realizing he must have taken a secret mint as well. Clearly, horny minds think alike...

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