Chapter 7

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I was going to kill him. That's what I was going to do. I was going to wrap my fingers around his smug little neck, and ring and ring and ring.

Still cold, wet, and well naked, I pressed my jaw together so hard, I feared I'd break teeth.

Not sure whether I wanted to cry or scream, I stared helplessly over to the door before me which I knew lay a smirking Sebastian.

Fuck him. Fuck everything about him. What a freaky pervert.

Feeling as though I was on the brink of a meltdown, I let out staggered breaths before starting to pace along the tiles of the cold bathroom floor. For every step I took, my brain reminded me that a reality where I'd have to stride out naked in front of a waiting Sebastian was becoming all too real.

No, no, it's fine Phoebe, he's just messing with you. If you stick your head out through a small crack in the door, he'll just laugh and give you back your towel. There's no way he'll actually make you walk out there naked.

Convincing myself of these words, I took a deep breath in and out before making my way over to the door. Pulling it open carefully just a little bit, I carefully angled my body off to the side before sticking my head out through the door.

Instantly my eyes landed on a way too happy-looking Sebastian kicked back on the bed with a stack of clothing dumped out on his lap. Or, in other words, my clothes.

His eyes seemed to twinkle as he saw me. "Oh hey, Brooks, have a good shower?"

I let out a dry breath that could have been mistaken for a laugh. "Ha-ha, very funny. Jokes over, now give me back my clothes," I said looking over him with deadened eyes.

Sebastian's brow cocked up into the perfect arch.  "Oh, I'm not joking Brooks. If you want your clothes back, you're going to have to walk out here and get them." Though still smiling, there was an undeniable seriousness in his eyes that scared me.

My heart raced faster, but nonetheless; I forced a nervous smile. "You can't be serious...I..I- Your joking right," I said, tripping up over my words.

"No, actually I'm not," Sebastian answered plainly. "If memory serves me right, a certain girl interrupted my shower, then stole my clothes before proceeding to stare at my naked dripping body for a long, long time," he said still smiling simply.

My entire face burned with embarrassment at his words, humiliated that he'd noticed my staring.

"So, can you really blame a guy for wanting to get even?" he said, tilting his head a little. "It's an eye for an eye, after all Brooks."

I was way past embarrassed at this point, and all I could seem to do was helplessly splutter my mouth open and closed. "But...but that was an accident. You know it was an accident," I stammered desperately.

"Accident or not, you didn't have to stare but you did. So, now it's only fair if I stare at you," he justified with a shrug.

Speechless, I just stared at him in bafflement. Then closing my mouth again tightly, I gave him a nasty look. "Fuck you," I spat out in between gritted teeth.

Then without another word, I slammed the bathroom door back closed and leaned my back against the door.

Closing my eyes, I tried my best to keep my thoughts calm, and un-murderous.

It's okay, Phoebe, it's okay. Yes, a vengeful pervert is holding your clothes hostage, but you'll figure this out. You always figure things out.

"What, you doing in there, Phoebs? Come get your clothes," Sebastian called out through the door; his laughter audible in his tone.

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