Chapter 24

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Once I'd returned back to the basement with the others, Leon, Blaire, and Ava all stared at me with curious looks. Quickly sliding my way back into my original space on the sofa, I tried to sit back all nonchalantly like I hadn't just finished through with flashing Sebastian my boobs.

"What the hell did you do? And where's Sebastian?" Ava asked with a laugh.

I shifted uncomfortably under everyone's watchful eyes. "Oh, nothing really. And he's in the...erm...bathroom," I tried to explain as relaxed as I could.

Ava scanned me up and down with curious, suspicious-ridden eyes.

Luckily for me, Sebastian decided at that moment to descend the stairs, taking everyone's eyes off me and onto him. Reclaiming back his place on the sofa beside Blaire, Sebastian barely got a chance to get comfy before Blaire twisted around to face him with narrowed eyes.

"What did Phoebe do to you? She refuses to tell us," Blaire asked bluntly.

My heart stopped, terrified of what he was going to say. I know he'd promised not to tell anyone, but that didn't guarantee anything. After all, this was Sebastian we were talking about.

Sebastian seemed to pause at the question. Then flickering his eyes briefly over to me, he stared me over for several seconds before slowly looking back at Blaire.

"It's none of your business," he said, with a simple shrug. "She more than successfully completed her dare, and that's all you need to know," Sebastian said, finishing with a simple smile.

Blaire rolled her eyes. "Fine, whatever, keep your stupid secret then," she grumbled.

Soon enough, the game continued on. I found myself drifting in and out through the various dares. I mean it was kind of hard to concentrate after processing what I'd just done in the bathroom upstairs.

Sebastian certainly seemed like he hadn't forgotten about it either, as every twenty seconds or so, his eyes would shamelessly trail over to look at my chest. To make it worse, he wasn't even remotely embarrassed about it. He saw me catch him staring multiple times, and merely just smirked and looked away.

And that's when it hit me. Sebastian Diaz was never going to let me live this down.


"Phoebe, hurry up, what's taking you so long? Even the dog is sitting here waiting for you," my brother, Max, yelled sarcastically up the stairs.

Rushing a little faster around my room, I quickly shoved my swimsuit into my day bag and snapped closed my textbook. Having spent my Saturday afternoon at Sebastian's birthday, I was forced to spend the entire morning trying to catch up on work. And now, I was being forced to go to the beach, with Max and Sebastian's sister, Lara. Apparently, Max felt as though I needed to bond better with her or something along those lines.

"Coming," I called as I quickly shouldered my bag and made a hurry for the stairs.

Flinging open my front door, I froze in place as I was met with the blindingly disgusting sight of Lara and Max kissing up on each other without a shame in the world. Even Teddy, my dog who Max had on a lead looked equally as disturbed.

My nose wrinkled immediately. "Eww," I muttered aloud.

"Just be glad you missed him squeezing my sister's butt," a voice slyly intercepted. Turning to the source of the sound, I found to my surprise Sebastian standing off to the side of them while sporting an equally looking disgusted face as my own.

Before I got a chance to ask why the hell he was there, Lara and Max pulled away from one another, and Lara turned to me with a sheepish smile.

"Sebastian decided to come along as well, hope that's not a problem," she mumbled.

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