Chapter 8

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Poking at my pancakes with my fork, I stared miserably off into the distance. I was at my absolute wits' end.

It was Monday morning; the last day of our holiday and it couldn't have come too soon. Sebastian was literally killing me mentally, and I didn't know how much more I could take.

Yesterday, after annoying me at the pool, he'd taken to randomly popping in to annoy me at each and every place I went. In my art class, he drew a picture of me naked and then showed it to the whole class. In the spa, he attempted to steal my clothes again. And when I was talking to Ava on the phone, he kept fake moaning and groaning, to give her the impression that I was pleasuring him at the same time. He did fuck off every hour or so to do his own thing, but then he'd come right back again to annoy me.

He was crazy!

Swallowing his last mouthful, my brother raised his gaze. "So, how are you finding the resort, Seb?"

Sebastian smiled in that goody boy way of his. "Good, Max. I'm really bonding with your sister," he said, shooting me a knowing look.

Max's brows lifted in surprise. "Oh really? That's a relief. After all, you guys could be seeing each other for the rest of your lives because of us."

My left eye twitched at their words, and I clutched my fork into an even tighter death grip. I was one hundred percent sure if I had to spend the rest of my life with Sebastian, I'd jump off a cliff. He was worse than I ever thought possible.

As Lara and my brother drifted into a conversation, I felt a nudge at my shoulder. "Did you hear that? The rest of our lives, Phoebs, that's how long you'll have to put up with me," Sebastian whispered near my ear. The very hairs of my neck stood up on end as I humored that horrifying possibility.

"Think about that for a second," he continued. "You might have to share more hotel rooms with me or sit on my lap for more car rides. Then in the future, I'll show up at your wedding. I'll know your kids. You'll have to invite me to your house. I'll be there with you always, like a disease you just can't shake. Forever," he whispered.

His villain-like taunting was having the exact effect he intended, and I was fuming. It was time to sort this once and for all. Throwing my napkin onto the table, my chair screeched as I lurched it back and stood up.

"Sebastian, come with me," I spat tightly.

A twinkle appeared in Sebastian's eye. "Sure, thing," he smiled.

Then nodding goodbye to Max and Lara, I grabbed Sebastian stiffly by the wrist and towed him after me. Weaving in between the other tables of guests, I kept my eyes firmly set on the door.

"Hey, where are you taking me. Are we gonna have a quickie or something?" Sebastian called out.

A few guests turned, raising eyebrows, undoubtedly hearing Sebastian's comment. Ignoring him, and flamed with embarrassment, I increased the speed at which my sandals slapped against the floor.

Finally, as we swooped through the archway door, I spun him around and slammed his back into the wall. Sebastian blinked rapidly, his eyes big and wide, clearly not expecting my sudden move.

When the shock had left him some, the corners of his lips twitched. "You know, I might be wrong about the violence kink. I think you might have a dominance kink," he teased, his smile growing broader.

"Shut up," I gritted as I slammed his chest a little harder into the wall.

Unfazed, he stared down at me with smiling eyes. "Actually, never mind you might have both."

The Break Up PactOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara