Chapter 20

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Friday morning rolled in faster than I thought it would, and soon, I was once again, driving my way through the familiar school gates. Yesterday evening with Sebastian, had been contrary to what I assumed had been, dare I say it, bearable. Maybe even more than bearable...

I hung out with him and the twins, played a few card games, did some homework, and even sat with them for dinner. Hanging out with him and his friends had felt strangely nice.

Well, besides the creepy little flirting from ten-year-old Austin, of course... I still can't believe some of the things that kid said to me.

As various students weaved in between my car, I slowed down my speed and let my eyes roam around the tarmac, in search of a free parking space.

Finding a tight but manageable free space in the corner, I backed my car into it before parking up and twisting out my key.

Shouldering my bag, I was just about to pop open my door when my eyes locked on someone coming out of a spot across from mine. It was my supermarket crush - Jordan Parker. Swallowing hard, I watched as his teeth broke through to a grin as he laughed at something his friend said who climbed out of his car along with him.

I hadn't seen or spoken to him since that monstrously disastrous day at the supermarket, and I was glad of it. Thanks to Sebastian and his fibbing tales, he probably thought I was some kind of sex-driven freak. No, I'm sorry, he definitely thought I was some kind of pregnant, sex-driven freak. I still couldn't believe Sebastian had let him believe that the pregnancy test was for us.

Trying my best to shake the traumatizing event free from my mind, I shook my head and finally climbed my way out of my car.

Making my way through the school doors, I couldn't help but feel like some people were staring at me, whispering things that I couldn't quite make out. I knew it was likely just paranoia, but the feeling still stayed with me throughout my entire walk.

As my eyes drifted in the distance, I suddenly became perceptive of two girls who I recognized from the school debate team, leaning against a car, whispering something, while looking right my way. I tried not to think anything of it, I mean I barely even knew them. Why would they be talking about me? That's when I heard a giggle, and when the thin, brown-haired girl whispered again. This time I heard my name.

With a frown, I turned to face them and the two of them rapidly looked away. However, I could still see they were fighting back grins. What the fuck was their problem?

Deciding to ignore it, I continued on into the building, heading for my usual path to my locker.

I made it only halfway there before my pace slowed, as I noticed a large ring of the loud senior boys all stood in a semi-circle by the edge of one set of lockers. I was going to just step by them, but then a few of them looked my way. Turning back to face one another, they nudged each other while laughing and biting their lips before all of them started looking my way.

A chill ran down my spine as I came to the conclusion that this definitely couldn't be a coincidence. People were definitely talking about me.

As I got closer, a freckled blonde one, with a thinning face – Jacob, I think his name was, suddenly stepped outward, blocking my way.

As I was forced to a stop, he met my eyes with a smugly upturned smirk.

"Never knew you had in you, Phoebe? Do any of us get a go next?" he teased, his lips spreading wide.

Some of the other guys around him started to lightly shake with laughter while one even let out a sharp patronizing little whistle. One or two avoided my gaze, their expression racked with guilt.

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