fifty one

117 0 0

Salem Woods
Bursting through the door, I cry and blindly walk into my bedroom. I slam my door closed and fall onto my messy bed. I bury my face harder into my bed and I let out the loudest scream I have ever experienced.

I am so heartbroken.

How could he do something like this? I trusted him with everything. The tears haven't stopped flowing since I left his house.

And they weren't just drying up any time soon. I hear my door open, and close. I pull my head up and see Heather. I just start crying again. "Salem...What happened?" She crawls on my bed and sits near my hip and crosses her legs, leaning over to face me, stroking my head.

"H-Harry..." I cry, I don't think she even understood.


I just nod.

"Did something happen?"

I nod.

"Should I be saying I told you so? Or is this an argument."

I couldn't breathe. "Hey...just try to calm down a little, so you can tell me, so I can help."

I take deep breathes, some just turn into tears streaming down my cheeks. I finally pull myself together and I sit up, hugging my pillow, wiping my eyes with my sleeve. I look at her and she looks worried.

"Um." My voice breaks. I swallow. "I got a call...this morning...saying he called my work, and admitted to us dating."

Her eyes widen. "He what!"

I nod and tears continue to stream. "He tried to tell me he didn't. Like, of course he would say that, so he looks innocent."

"Did you look at his phone history?"

"No. I didn't want to be in the same room. He made me lose my job, Heather."

"Oh yeah..Well...I did try to tell you."

I roll my eyes and wipe them. "I don't wanna hear it, I know." I shake my head, looking at my wet sleeve.

"Are you going to talk—"

"No. I don't want to. Ever."

She looks at me, like she feels bad for me. "I think you should hear him out."

"Why? So he can just tell me things I know aren't true?" I shake my head.

"Did you have sex last night, or something?"

I wipe my eyes. "Yes. But I didn't know he called my work, otherwise I would have said no. Why?"

"You're neck..." She reaches out and touches it gently.

I shake my head. "I don't want to see." I swallow. "I just can't believe he would do that."

"I told you something was wrong with him. He seemed suspicious from the start."

"You were right Heather..."

She looks at me.

"He was using me and I was too blind to see it."

She sighs and wraps her arms around me, and I sniff. "Just relax for a bit, and I'll make you some breakfast?"

I get under my covers, and pull them all the way up, making a breathing hole and so I could see and I nod. "Okay."

"I'm sorry..Salem. I am. I didn't want to be right."

I shrug.

* * *

Heather made some toast for me, which I ate in bed, and as soon as I was finished eating, I laid back down, and watched Friends and the day was slowly coming to an end. I left Harry's over 6 hours ago.

I don't know why, but I wish I didn't block his number, because then I know if he's actually been messaging me, or if he's fine and I'm not.

It was circling my mind, and it was giving me a headache. When I went to the bathroom to shower the last day off, I saw my neck, which only brought back memories.

I sigh, and use the bathroom, before crawling back into bed, ready to eat anything I can find, and watch many movies and TV shows, considering I'm unemployed.

Heather Fell
I never wanted to be right about Salem. All those times where I said he was using her or a snide comment, I never meant it. I did think he was weird for it, and then I saw how happy she was becoming around him.

But now, I'm worried for her.

I was meant to see Ryan today, but I didn't want her to get jealous, or upset so I cancelled on him.

He was confused as to why and I just said Harry and Salem broke up. It was nearing 6pm, and I was about to make dinner or get a start on it, but instead, I hear a light knock on the door.

If it's Harry, I'm going to go off.

I open the door, but it's not Harry. It's another man, brown hair blue eyes and tattoos. I knew him from Harry's post. "Hello?" I furrow my brows.

"You must be Heather."

"Must I?"

"Aren't you?"

"Well..yes but what do you want?" I cross my arms.

"I need to talk to Salem, it's about Harry."

"She doesn't want to hear that name, he ruined her life." I go to close the door but he sticks his foot in so I couldn't close it.

"It was me. I pretend to be Harry."

I stare at him. "You what?"

He looks down. "It was me. I called her work, only because in a meeting they were texting, and he was whining but not at that I thought, and I didn't want Salem to be like his ex, so...I took care of it, only I wish I hadn't."

"Why would you do that?"

"I just wanted to protect him, he's my best friend, and I don't want him to get hurt like he did last time he was in a relationship."

"You had no right to do that. She lost her job, you know that?"

"Yes I do, and I regret it. I just wanna talk to her. I just want her to know it wasn't Harry, it was me."

"You're just covering for him." I shake my head and cross my arms.

He pulls his phone open. He shows me his screen. "Proof." He says, and I see Salems work number in his recently called for 5:57pm yesterday. I look at him. "They must have not had time to call Salem yesterday—"

"And that's why she got the call this morning." I work out. "She's so hurt Louis."

"And is Harry. And it's not even their fault."

"You can come in to tell her. I can't make promises she'll listen."

"It's fine. Thank you for letting me do this." He says as he steps in. I close the door. I walk over to her room, and I hear him following me.

I knock on her door. I open it softly and poke my head through the door. I see her curled in a ball with all her covers wrapped around her. "There's someone to see you."


I move out the way and she sees Louis.

"Louis? What are you doing here?"

I step out, and leave her door open. I don't really trust him either, and I wanna know what he's saying, he could be lying to me, just to talk to Salem.


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