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Salem Woods
"What'd you do?" I ask, and he shrugs.

"I took her out?" He looks at me. I then flick my eyes to his neck and sigh. I was a little bit worried now, because not only did I kiss him, I risked my job with him.

I stare at him and he looks away, and I think. "What was her name?"


"How did you meer her?"

"My mate, Louis." He says.

"You had sex with her didn't you?" I cross my arms, in pure jealousy. I'll admit that. I don't see how he could do that with me the night before and then have sex with her the night after.

"Why do you care?"

I decided to not answer, before I start telling him why I care. "I just don't get you." Is all I say, tightening my arms around my chest.

"How?" He asks, adding a shrug.

"You told me you'd be home normal time, so I had to cancel my plans."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I was going on a date tonight, I show up to work and Louis' girlfriend got me a date with her friend. I planned to be home later tonight." He explained and I shook my head. "Why do you care I went in a date? Or that I had sex?" He got curious and asks me.

"Because, I just...I don't get you." I said, shaking my head.

"I have a feeling this has something to do with the other night, does it not?"

I don't answer again, so I just sigh and look away from him and I see him nodding. "So what if it does?" I ask. "Why would you kiss me, and do that, then go off with another girl?"

"Why do you care?" He repeated, in a tone this time.

"Because Harry!" I whisper shout. "You just so blind, aren't you?"

"No, you're not making it clear." He shook his head again. "You obviously care—"

"I like you!" I blurt out and he froze. "I do, okay? Don't ask me why because..I have no idea but I've literally been working for you, for about a month and I already have a stupid crush on you. I can't even look you in the eyes sometimes because you intimidate me that much." I spill and he just stays frozen, now staring at me. "I don't know what it is, and because I like you, you kissing me and doing that only made it worse, but then you go off on a date while I'm stuck here babysitting your kid, while you're out with another girl, of course it's going to make me feel like shit."

He looks down and licks the inside of his cheek. I take a deep breath and shake my one head. He statuettes for a moment. "I'm sorry..I didn't know."

"I don't blame you, but even then, why did you do that?" I ask, referring to why he did stuff with me and then moved onto another girl.

"I'm not good at this." He admits. "If I knew how you felt, I would never have done it."

I sigh through my nose. "It's fine. I guess now you do."

He shuffles closer and I felt his leg against mine. "Salem.." He whispers and looks up at me. "You're one of the most attractive girl I've seen."

I blush and look down in my lap. "And I do feel terrible, I'm sorry." He cups my jaw and looks up at me. He looks down at me lips and I hold his wrists, to stop him from moving his hands away from my jaw. "I think you know how I feel for you as well, but I can't, you're so young."

"I know.." I sigh. He's so sexy but I can't, he's much older than me. And we can't risk anything.

It was so dangerous of how close we were. He leans closer, putting his forehead on mine and I swallow. I look into his bright green eyes and he smiles at me. He finally presses his lips to mine, and I inhale sharply, his hands gripping and caressing my cheeks.

He pulls away with our lips smacking as we part. I lean back in with my eyes closing and his hands grab my hips. He pulls me into his lap in a straddle and I sit down on his thighs.

This time, I wasn't shy to let my hands explore his hair, feeling the soft touch of his hair, then I put one of my hands on his neck. Our lips start smacking, and I shuffle closer.

He grabs my ass, squeezing my skin which makes me inhale again. He pulls himself up, and wraps my legs around his waist. I was instantly confused but when I see him carry me down the hall and  to his bedroom, closing the door, my eyes kinda widened, and my stomach grew with butterflies.

He places me on the bed, going with me. I wrap my arms and legs around him, and he starts kissing me heavily. I soon felt an ache in my core and he pulls away, pulling the collar of his shirt.

I widen my eyes, because it had been a while since I last saw his abs. I see his butterfly tattoo on his chest, followed by the ferns near his hips. I then focus on the swallows on his collarbones before he kisses me again.

He bites down on my bottom lip, pulling it out and letting it slap against my gums, before his tongue runs against my lip, making me part them and his tongue slips into my mouth. Our tongues touch, and fiddle with each other, all while our lips are smacking.

He grunts and pulls away, making me furrow my brows. He sits high on his knees and stands up, parting his lips and I sit up. "I'm sorry.." He whispers, sitting on the edge of the bed. I shuffle over and sit next to him, shaking my head in confusion.

all my friends are seeing harry live in melbourne and i'm in adelaide watching their stories on snapchat 🥲🥲

that was when harry did his aus tour lol

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