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Salem Woods
I swallow as I open the front door, images running through my mind. Heather stands up from the couch and smiles. "Hey."

"Hi.." I murmur, my legs were still shaking but only slightly now.

"Are you okay? Why are you so quiet?"

I look up at her and nibble on my lip and she arches a brow. "Okay. What happened?" She crosses her arms.

"Um.." I whisper.

"Salem.." She says in a scolding tone. "What?"

"Harry..." I whisper, swallowing and she steps closer.

"Salem!" She snaps and tightly grabs my shoulder. "What did Harry do?"

"Well..He...went...down there." I point, to the floor and she stares at me. She literally stares at me, her grip only getting tightly. She inhales.

"Harry went down on you?" She asked, confused. I start nodding and she asks another one. "Why?"

"Because I let him." I say.

"Why! That's pedophilia!"

"Hey!" I snap. "It is not!"

"Salem, he's using you!"

"Using me for what?"

"He's trying to get into your pants!"

"I could've stopped him, but I didn't!"

"That's even worse. See my point, please."

"I don't even regret it." I cross my arms. "Best orgasm I've had." I shrug and she scrunched her face up.

"He's so gross. He calls you over to get his kid to go to sleep, and then kisses you randomly, then he makes out with you, leaves a hickey and then goes down on you!"

"Hickey? Those are from Kade?"

"Not the ones I'm taking about." She points to the other side of my neck which makes me rush to the bathroom, turning the light on. I roll my eyes at the tiniest mark on my neck that isn't even noticeable.

"You're pathetic, that's not even a hickey."

"It's proof."

"Proof? For why? I gave him full consent for it!"

"I bet he just started and you agreed!"

"Actually, I took my shorts off and when he picked up what I wanted, I nodded and we did it."

"Babe, be careful. Stay away from him, he's trouble. He goes down on 16 year olds."

"Im seventeen in three months, will you calm down."

"It doesn't matter, Sa, can you please be careful with this guy. I don't trust him."

"I will, okay? It's not going to happen again, I won't let it, okay? It was a mistake and in the moment. I promise, okay?"

"Good." She nods. She then hugs me and I hug her back and I sigh. "And you've gotta cover those hickeys, they're pretty bad."

"I don't even know how I ended up in bed with Kade." I sigh and pull away.

"I did, I heard you guys, when I was fucking Kyle."

I widen my eyes. "You fucking your boyfriend...that's not rare at all."

"Yeha, we'll you guys are so loud."

"Thanks." I roll my eyes.

Harry Styles
"Daddy.." I hear softly a slight shake to my arm, making my eyes lazily peel open. I wasn't actually asleep, I was just thinking that Salem must think I'm either using her for my horniness which is not true, I'd never do that or because I'm a weirdo. She took her shorts off and didn't stop me, and she agreed with words. That's consent in my eyes.

"Yeah?" I rasp, looking at Darcy next to me with a stuffed animal under her arm. "What's wrong?"

"I can't sleep."

"I'm not bringing Salem here." I shake my head.


"She left late. Like..half an hour ago."

"Why so late?"

"She..she was upset." I come up with.

I can't really tell my daughter I went down on her babysitter, can I?

"She was?"

"Yep. And I was just helping her."

"Oh...what happened?"

"Erm...her ex...?"


"Her ex boyfriend." I correct and she just nods softly.

"Can I sleep in here?" She pouts. I just nod softly and shuffle over and she crawls onto the bed, getting under the covers and lays next to me, facing me.

"Go straight to sleep, please." I say and her eyes close. I remember what Salem said, so I start stroking her forehead. Sigh and lick my lips, tasting toothpaste and because I'm thinking of Salem, I can taste her too.

I shouldn't have done it, I don't regret it but I know she might. She works for me, I pay her to work, and we meddled about and I hope we didn't ruin it.

She's supposed to be here tomorrow and I don't blame her if she doesn't show up. I wasn't scared to face her again, but I know she might feel a little bit awkward.

"What's wrong?" Darcy asks me, facing me and I look at her in the dark.

"Nothing." I say to her, but she reaches out and touches my cheek.

"Daddy sad." She pouts.

"I'm not sad." I shake my head. "You need to go to sleep." I tell her. I close her eyes with my fingertips, and she sniffs. I stroke her head again, and shush her gently.

I sigh and close my own eyes, feeling them stung under my lids. I need to forget that happened, for now at least.

short chapter, sorry :-)

the babysitter || h.s✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum