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Salem Woods
I stayed with Harry all morning and he's such a cuddle boy when he wakes up. We cuddled all morning, before we got up and I made him breakfast in his sweatpants that were way to big for me, but tied tightly to stay around my waist.

I made us toast, and I cooked an egg for us as well, and he was kinda following me around and talking about our families. Then Harry offered to go out tonight, and I was a little uncertain about it, but when he told me we could go somewhere more quiet where people he and I know wouldn't be there.

I agreed anyway, but I said I didn't bring anything nice to wear and he said that he could take me home to get clothes, so after that, we had a chill day again.

I actually had to get somethings as well from mine, so Harry and I wanted to leave a little earlier so I could show him my house. So after we finished a few episodes of the new show we started together, we went to mine in his car.

His car was a mess, only from Darcy, but the backseat had everything you could think of. But once we made it to my house, I took his hand and I showed him around and he liked how small my house was.

I went through my drawers, and found two things. I found a red body con mini dress with a silk material and thin straps, or I have a white corset too, with blue jeans.

I asked Harry like, and of course he said the red dress that I wore to the most recent party Heather and I had. I just nodded and out it on and when he was waiting on his phone, he literally double looked, and I paired it with my black heels.

"Wow.." He said, slowly. "You look so good." He praised and I smile. "Wear that."

"I will." I nod with a smile.

"I need to run into the shops after this." He held my hips.


"Just...personal stuff.."

I arch a brow. "Hm..maybe I'll wear the other—"

"I just have to get condoms if you must know. I've only got like two left from my other box."

"Ah." I nod. "Condoms are good."

"Yeah..they are."

"Okay well this is all I wanted to get." I fold his clothes and put them in a pile, and grabbing my hair straightener.

He picks it up and furrows his brow. "Now what is this?"

"It's a hair straightener, you heat it up and it straightens your hair, can J straighten yours!"

"No." He shakes his head.

"Aw, please?" I pout.

"Maybe.." He shrugs and I grin.

"Great." I snicker. He leans in and presses his lips to mine, and I smile into the kiss. When we pull away, I grab my makeup bag and hold them all in my hands. "Let's go." I say.

We left my house and drove to the store, I stayed in the car and started my makeup, and he came back in the car with a box of condoms and a packet of mints. "Mints?" I hold the bag up.

"They were free."


He starts the car up and I put my stuff on the floor. I look at the box of condoms, and I smirk. Does he think we'll actually be having sex later?

"I dunno, she offered me some and I was confused but I took them anyway." He drives, having one hand on the gear stick and the wheel. "You can have one of you want." He shrugs and I open it, placing one in my mouth, and I gesture to Harry, and he opens his mouth which I place it on his tongue.

Once we make it back to his house, we get out the car and walk inside. I walk into his ensuite, and finish my makeup, it was just a little bit, just to make me look cleaner. I walk into the bedroom and Harry was on his phone, scrolling.

"Are you ready?"

"Do I look it?" I sneer as a joke and he pulls a face and mimics. I got dressed, and finished my makeup, and finally straightened my hair which only took me and hour, Harry was just wondering around the whole time.

He watched an episode of Game of Thrones, and then came back into the room and I was fixing my dress. "Wow.."

"Stop.." I blush, looking down as he walks over to me.

"You honestly look...amazing." He smiles softly.

"Thank you.." I whisper.

"Are you ready now?"

"Yes." I nod. "Let's go." I grab my bag that had everything I needed, and I grabbed his hand as we walked to the door.

I'm the car, Harry told me that this place is hidden and a little bit expensive so people he and I know won't be there. I thought this was really sweet, because he put thought into this, and I was going to pay for some of it, but there's no way I'll ever be able to afford all of this.

Once we got there, he grabbed my hand, and walked into the restaurant, and we were seated by a girl, outside with a view of the beach. Once we were seated, I looked at the menu and everything was a bit out of my price range, but I know Harry was happy to pay for all of it.

I was offered alcohol, and Harry gave me a look, of curiosity, pretty much asking me if I wanted a drink, but I just ordered a lemonade and he got a drink of some sort of mixer.

We waited a while for our food.  We both ordered Salads, because that was the cheapest option and, I didn't eat meat much anyway so I was happy with this.

I had a good time, we talked for hours it seemed like. After we had eaten, I gave Harry a 50, which is what he gave me yesterday but the stupid bitch wouldn't let me pay for some of it.

I'm grateful, but I feel bad for letting him pay for all of it.

In the car on the way home, his hand was rubbing my thigh up and down, as I played Chase Atlantic through the speakers, hoping we'd get home quicker.

We walked inside and I was mid laugh. "That's not funny!" I scold.

"Are you kidding me? Kids falling over is funny." He defends and I laugh, walking into the bedroom and he closes the door behind me, walking up to me and grabbing my hips.

"Thanks for taking me out." I say, giving him a warm smile.

i wanna cry 🥲

this isn't edited bc i cbf editing it 💀

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