twenty two

283 1 0

Salem Woods
"Hey." I say as I walk out my room, as I see her walk in, dropping her bag on the floor.

"Hey." She smiles, sitting next to me on the couch. I left Harrys, and I had been home for about half an hour, before she came home just now.

"How was your trip?"

"Oh it was so good, I was so sad you couldn't be there." She whines.

"I know, I was sad too." I partially lie. I look down at my lap and remember the weekend I had with him. I wish I could tell her all about him, but it's just not worth it. She'll know about it one day, and I wanna tell her but it's too risky. "Tell me about it."

"Okay." She nods. "Well, we got there, set up and went for a little walk, and then we came back, made a fire and we started to get into conversation." She says and I nod, letting her continue. "And we played truth or dare."

"Oh, that's dangerous." I comment and she smirks at me.

"And..It lead to Ryan and I fucking in the tent." She folds her lips in a line. I gasp.

"No way." I shake my head but she nods.

"Yeah...and he didn't use a condom."

I widen my eyes. "Heather!" I whack her and she giggles.

"It's fine." She shook her head. "I started birth control."

"You said you wouldn't?"

"I know, but condoms suck." She shrugs.

"Well what was it like?"

She literally lets out a groan. "Oh my god, Salem, you have to try it." She encouraged. "It feels so much better, like..sucking a dick but inside of you." She grins.

"I'm sorry?" I chuckle.

"It just feels better, its more intimate and you can feel them finish."

"Gross." I cringe. I was used to this, she's always very open about things like this.

"I'm all seriousness, it make sex so much better."

"Aren't you worried about the risks?"

"He's clean, and I am, so no." She shakes her head.

"What form are you on?" I ask.

"The pill, I started it the day before we left and you weren't here when I went to get it, I guess I forgot to tell you." She admits. "I'm just trying it out, I don't it, and I told Ryan that and he's whatever about it, but..It was only once, I just wanted to try it."

"You should be careful. What if you do get..pregnant?"

"I won't. I know I won't but..Don't worry, I won't."

"How are the boys?"

"They're good." She nods. "Chris has a new girlfriend."

"Oh, we're obviously going to meet her."

"She's a bit older." She says.

"How much older?"

"She's 23."

My eyes go wide again, acting this out. Who am I to judge? My boyfriend is 11 years older than me, 5 is nothing. "That's a five year age gap."

"Yeah, he doesn't care, we tried telling him that." She shrugs. "Anyway, it was a good weekend."

"I wish I could've gone with you." I sigh.

"Next time, tell Harry to get someone else to babysit his kid. You can say no to him."

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