thirty eight

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Harry Styles
"Thanks for taking her today." I say to mom as she puts Darcy down, Darcy runs behind me to her room.

"All good, here to help." She says with a soft smile. She was staying for a coffee, and so we could catch up. She sits down at the table and I start making coffee for us.

"How have you been?" I asked.

"Yeah not too bad, it's good to have some noise back in the house."

"With Darcy?"

"Yeah, she likes staying with us, don't you?" She says and Darcy nods back with a grin.

"I um.." I say. "I think I should tell you now." I pour the coffees, stirring them both.

"Tell me what?" She asks as I bring them to the table. "Thanks." She says as I put it in front of her.

"I have a girlfriend." I say and she widens her eyes.

"Oh my god! H, that's great." She smiles. "What's her name?"

"Salem." I say, I don't think she knows Salems age, so I won't have to tell her until they actually meet.

"Salem...where have I heard that?"

I shrug. "At Gemmas, we were dating but we were so new into it, we didn't want to tell anyone, so I lied."

"Oh, that's what Darcy was looking at." She laughs.

"Yeah..I wasn't happy about that."I shake my head.

"Does she know about Darcy?" She asks.

"Yeah, and she's amazing with Darcy."

"Well, I'm very happy. When can I meet her?"

"Soon, hopefully." I nod and she

"Anything else I should know about?"

"No." I shake my head. "Don't think so."

"I'm excited to see her. Make
sure to invite her over to mine, I'll make dinner and we can get to know her."

"I'll let her know." I nod.

"You must really like her."

I didn't want to tell her we have actually been together for a while now, and that I love her, but I just nod. But if I say I love her, she'll get suspicious.

"I really do." I nod, just thinking about her now.

"I'm happy for you."

"Thanks mom." I smile.

Salem Woods
"Hey." Heather walks in my room and throws herself in my bed. "Ew, have you and Harry fucked here?" She says right away.

"Would it matter?"

"Uh yes." She nods. "Gross."

I sigh and look back at my laptop. "I don't even remember."

"Yes you do.." she tests.

"I know we've done something else but I don't think we' know."

"What did you do? I'll tell you what I did with Ryan."

I roll my eyes. "It doesn't matter, and it's none of your business."

"Please." She pouts. "We hardly talk about this stuff now."

"Kade and I fucked here." I say but she shrugs.

"Eh." She shrugs.

"You only care of its Harry?"

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