twenty five

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hey, sorry for the lat update😭

Salem Woods
I woke up early this morning, I wasn't sure why, but I decided to just go with it, and I got up and had a shower. I went on my phone while I was in the shower, and I snapped Harry back from last night of me, but I cropped the photo a bit, I was still a little bit body shy.

I got out and dried off, putting myself in a white robe, and taking a photo for my instagram, before blow drying my hair, and putting my skincare on. I put a bit of mascara on, and decided to have my hair down today.

I walked into the bathroom and went to my wardrobe, and settled for a pair of jeans and a blacked cropped long sleeve top, and my black converses.

I made a smoothie, and went to the bathroom, and that's when I saw it.

I got my period.

I groan. I least I actually got it?

I reach over for the drawer, and fish into find a tampon. Once I grab one, I sigh. I get pretty bad cramps on the first few days of my period, but it only went for 5 days.

I was suddenly in a very bad mood and it was 7:38am, meaning I had to leave in 2 minutes. I grab my phone, keys and my smoothie cup, and I was out the door.

I drove to Harry's and I was there in 10 minutes, with the radio playing softly in the background. I went up to the door, and Darcy opened the door. "Salem!" She gasp and I smile.

"Hey you." I smile and she lets me in. I scan the room but Harry was nowhere to be seen. "Where's your dad?" I ask.

"Dressed." She says and I just nod, meaning he was getting changed, I assumed.

I see Harry walk down the hall, in his full attire. Black skinny jeans, black converses like mine, and a red button up, with a few of the buttons undone, so you could see half of his chest tattoo, and his chain and necklace.

I meet eyes with him, and I look behind me to see Darcy at the table, eating what seemed to be oats like usual. I look back at him and we disappear further into the hall.

"Hey." He says, and I scan him one more time.

"Hey.." I smile, and I wrap my arms around him, and he hugs me back, kissing my head. I sigh into him and i could already feel my stomach begin to hurt.

"You okay?" He pulls away, one hand on my lower back and the other cups my jaw.

I nod. "I got my period." I let on lightly in a soft voice.

"Oh." He says softly. "I'm sorry to hear that."

I shrug. "It's girl things."

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I nod.

"Yeah?" He asks again and I nod.

"Yeah." I nod, cupping his jaw and leaning in, and he closes the gap and presses his lips to mine. I wanted to kiss him longer, but he pulls away and slightly nudges me, and I was confused but it was like he knew what was coming, because Darcy came around the corner.

"Can we go play?" Darcy asks me.

I look at Harry for a second. "Yeah sure." I nod. She runs past us to her room.

"I'll see you later tonight?"

"I'll be here." I smile, and he smile back, quickly pecking my lips.

"Help yourself to anything." He swipes under my chin with a soft smile and it made me blush. "Be good Darcy!" He calls, pulling his keys out from his pocket. She makes a noise back and I sigh, walking into Darcy's messy room.

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