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Harry Styles
I was sat on the couch, looking at the saved chats with Salem and I, because even though she blocked me, I can still see them until I remover her account from my snap conversation list.

I was honestly baffled on this situation. I have no idea who would claim to be me, and tell them that Salem and I were together. It's fucked up.

I hear a knock and I look at the door. I wipe my eyes, and open the door, seeing Louis and Briana behind him. "Hey, guys." I say softly, moving out the way so they can come in.

Louis frowns at me, and Briana hugs me. I hug her back, whispering to her. "I never got to congratulate you."

She pulls away. "What for?"

I furrow my brows. "You're pregnant?"

"Oh, it's been crazy I kind of forgot.." She says and I shrug. "Thank you, Louis came to see you about it."

"Yeah, but I was still surprised."

"So did we." She says softly. "We can talk about that another day."

I smile, deciding that I don't want to continue the argument, even though I'd love to talk about it as a distraction. "Thanks for being here." I close the door. "Do you want anything?"

"I'm good." She declines but Louis is silent. Briana jabs him and he snaps out of his trance.

"Where's Darcy?"

"She's in her room."

"I'll go see her." She nods, looking at Louis as she walks down the hall.

"I'm sorry, Harry."

I sit on the couch, and look up at him. "It's not you're fault, I guess we weren't meant to be—"

"It was me."

I froze, and stared at him. "I...called her work, pretending to be you."

My stomach sank, and not in a good way. I stare at him. "Why...why would you do that?" I felt my throat close up.

"You said to me yesterday in the meeting she was driving you insane, and I thought she was doing what Hayley did—"

"She sent me a nude in the middle of the meeting she knew I was in, which got me hard in the middle of it!" I yelled.

He swallowed. "I..I didn't know."

"Of course you didn't!" I was upset. "There's a reason I didn't tell you, it's our relationship, our business!"

"I'm sorry, Harry. I thought she was manipulating you."

"Salem? Really? You think Salem would do that?"

"Well I don't know! You sounded pretty annoyed."

"Yeah, because she was teasing me and I couldn't just tease her back!"

He looks down. "I'm sorry Harry. I wanna fix it."

"How? She's never gonna believe me, she hates me, Louis."

"I'll tell her, and I'll make sure she knows it was me, and not you."

A tear slips from my eye but I wipe it away. "Just...don't worry about it. It's fine, she hates me, and there's nothing I can do."

"There's something I can do. And I wanna make it better because I feel horrible, H."

I stare, to numb to feel anything anymore. "Don't even worry about it. I have to let her go." I shrug.

"No.." Louis says. "I can fix this."

"She's too young for me anyway. I can't just have another kid with her, I can't just marry her, she's still in school. It would never work." I shake my head, covering my face with my hands. "I don't see a future with her, not anymore anyway, her breaking up with me made me realise that."

"You can have that. I want that for you, still get her back—"

I shake my head - as much as it pains me, I have to let her go. Heather doesn't like me because I'm a 27 year old, dating a minor. I look like a creepy man who likes little kids.

"I can't."

He sniffs. "At least lemme tell her what happened, I don't want her to tell all her friends stuff that isn't true." He says.

I look at him.

"Are you not listening?" I say with a tone. "Don't. Just let her go, move on. That's what I'm trying to do."

"Only because I made you do it. I feel bad. I'm so sorry Harry. I didn't know she'd lose her job."

"You know, she said that was the one thing she loved. She clearly didn't love me as much as I loved her."

"That's not true. She loves you."

"Not anymore."

"Well..maybe not as this moment. But I wanna make it up to you, if you let me. I just wanna tell her it was me, and tell her that you only wanna be mutual."

I shrug. "I don't..I don't care anymore."

He frowns. "I know you still love her." He sits next to me. I drop my head. "Even if you don't get back together, just let me talk to her..."

I shrug. "Okay." I nod.

"I am sorry Harry."

I look at him and so could see it on his face. "I know you are, but you made me realise that it's better if I be with someone my age." I nod. "Hey..I'm glad you and Briana are keeping it."

He smiles softly. "Yeah well, a good dad told me I should do it, they told me it was rewarding."

I nod. "It is. But..Once the word gets out about Salem and I, I'm never going to have someone babysit for Darcy again, and I'm going to send her to school."

"Hayley won't like that." He says.

"She can get fucked."

"Do you ever see yourself with Hayley again."

"No." I shake my head. "No matter how much Darcy wants it, I can't do it."

"I really am sorry Harry. I wasn't thinking, and it made you get hurt, it will stick with me forever."

"It's for the best."


"Yeah. I need to be with someone my own age."

"I know Kristy is single still."

"I can't. She'll hate me for going on a date with her, fucking her and then never calling her again. Like Joey from Friends."

"Ugh, you watch that show?"

"Salem watches it." I realise. "So I do."

"You watch Game of Thrones?"

"Yeah...she watched that too."


I shrug. "Anyway, do you guys want to stay?"

"When do you think I should talk to Salem?"

"Give it a few hours. She'll be thinking it's me still, probably telling her roommate I'm an old man who like younger girls."

He cringes.

i cannot even put the word peedo (spelt like that intentionally) in this book cause it's not meant to be written like that, harry just thinks that. harry's character is not meant to be based like that.

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