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Harry Styles
"I'm not tired." She huffs, crossing her arms. I got home from work almost an hour and a half ago, and Salem said she was asleep, which I knew was going to ruin it because once she hears the door open, she knows it's me.

And she woke up, and now she won't go back to sleep. She keeps asking about Salem like I know everything. She just keeps talking, and it's slowly pissing me off.

"Darcy, it's late." I huff, I was tired and I just sent Salem home, so I just want to do nothing.

"Salem. Where is she?"

"She's gone home." I say, trying to stay calm. "She'll be back tomorrow."

"Why not now?" She asks, laying down but not seeming to go to sleep. "I like her."

"That's good, but you need to go to sleep."

"I don't want to, I want to play with Salem." She mumbles.

"Darcy, I mean it." I start to get a bit annoyed, the gummy I gave her hasn't seemed to work yet. "Please..try to go to sleep."


"No." I cut her off. "You need to go to sleep, what will make you go to sleep?" I ask her softly.


I sigh. "Are you being serious?"

She nods. "Is there anything else?"


"C'mon Darcy." I mutter and shake my head.

"I want Salem."

"Are you seriously going to make me call her?"

"I like Salem." She says. "Please?"

"She's not going to be happy." I shake my head. I stand up and walk out the room and into mine, hearing a soft pad of someone following me.

I take a piece of paper from the dresser and see Salems resume she gave me after the first time I met her. I see her phone number there so I guess I have to message her.

I open my phone and type her number in and sit on my bed. Darcy climbs up and sits next to me.

Me: Hey Salem, it's Harry. This is gonna sound cliche but..Darcy won't go to bed and I've tried everything, even the gummy but she claims she won't go to sleep unless you're here. If it's not to much to ask, you don't have to

I send the message and look at Darcy, who looks wide awake. "Salem?"

My phone buzzes on my knee which makes me look at it.

Salem: hey, all good, if it's okay with you i can get her to bed, all good

I look at Darcy. "Your very lucky." I say to her.

"Salem?" She looks at me.

Me: You're a big help, thank you so much :)

"Get into bed." I say, picking her up and resting her on my hip. I walk over to her room and I sit her on the bed.

I just sat with her until I heard a knock at the door which made her get excited. I open the door and Salem's was in shorts and a large sweater and her hair looked damp and in braids. "Hi." She says.

"Hey." I let her in. "Thank you so much for coming."

"Is she usually this hard to get to sleep?" She asks as she slowly makes her way down to her room.

"No." I say straight up.

I hear a loud gasp. "Salem!" Darcy squeals.

"Shh." Salem soothes, waking into her room. I lean against the wall and sigh. I have yet to get out of my work clothes because I got home and hour and a half ago and I've been trying to get her to sleep. She's just to excited about Salem being her babysitter.

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