thirty seven

144 0 0

Harry Styles
My eyes lazily peel open, but my head regrets it, and I could feel something stabbing my head, throbbing and burning. I groan, grabbing my temples. My stomach felt like I was gonna be sick, and my mouth was bone dry.

I was surrounded by warm sheets, and I was in just my boxers. I look over and I see pink bedding, and polaroids covering a part of the white wall, and the letter 'S' on the wall too.

I was in Salem's bed.

I sit up and rub my eyes, wishing I wasn't alive right now.

"Hey." I hear and it was just a ringing in my ears. I shoot my head up, Salem was wearing a pair of my shorts and a cropped top, her long wavy blonde hair was up in a ponytail.

She carried something, closing the door behind her. "Oh god." I whine.

"Here." She rushes over, handing me advil, panadol, and a glass of water. I take them from here and tip them in my mouth, soon to be swallowed by the water which I end up swallowing the rest of the water, and holy shit was it a relief.

"Thank you." I smile at her and she nods. I look at the floor and then at her. "What—"

"You insisted you took your clothes off." She shrugs and I furrow my brows. "It was in the middle of the night after you gave me all of these." She pointed to her chest, I saw little hickeys, and teeth marks across her chest and a bite mark on her collar bone.

"Oh...You let me do that?" I ask softly.

"Mhm." She nods.

"We didn't..have sex?" I then ponder, I really hope we didn't, not because of that, but because I don't her thinking I took advantage of her.

"No." She shakes her head, a hit of weight falling off my chest for many reasons. "You just laid still for a few seconds, then kiss me, then go back to lying down, and so on."


"Mhm, and you got "hot" so you took your clothes off." She says. "It's fine."

I sigh, run hands through my hair and lean onto the headboard. "I said I'd stop giving you hickeys."

"You were drunk."

"Which is a prime example as to why you shouldn't have let me do it. What if we had sex, but you didn't want to, but I didn't care because I was drunk?"

"We didn't have sex." She states.

"I know that, but..see my point."

"I see your point." She nods. "But seriously, I just made sure you were okay." She moves over to me, and I run my hands back through my hair.

"Hangover of hell." I whine.

She cups my jaw and I look at her. "Just wait for the meds to kick in, you'll be chill then." She says.

"What else happened last night?" I dare ask.

She looks down and I didn't feel good about it. I swallow, a bit scared of something happened. "You said you loved me."

I stare at her. I said that? I told her?

Are you serious?

"I-I-was drunk—" I stutter, trying to find reasons to make her believe I didn't say that, because if she didn't say it back, I'm screwed.

"I said I love you back." She cuts me off and I shut right up.

"You do?"

I see the perfect opportunity to lay on her, and she wraps her arms around me, rubbing my head which was instantly a relief. "Of course I love you."

I nuzzle into her. I vaguely recall talking to Louis about it last night, but I don't remember telling her, oh my god. She said it back?

I smile at her. I look down and blush, because I got butterflies in my stomach from that. "I love you too." I blush back up to her, leaning up to kiss her. I pull away and lay back on her chest.

"Never let me drink again, please." I whine, but she snickers.

"Im glad you got a night out, even if you feel like you're gonna die."

"I love getting drunk, but I hate the after maths, what am I supposed to do today?"

"You can stay with me all day?"

"I have to get Darcy by 2." I say, I think it was around 11 or something.

"Do you need a lift?"

I whine, nuzzling into her chest a bit more, closing my eyes which definitely helped with my headache. "Briana said she'd pick me up."

"Well, what time is she coming here?"

I shrug. "I dunno."

"You're helpful."

"Hey, I feel like death." I whine.

"Did you drink any water last night?"

"No, why?"

"You should always drink water after you feel drunk, it flushes your system out and reduces a hangover."

I look up at her. "How do you know that?"


"At least I know for next time." I close my eyes again, she leans down to kiss my forehead. I cant believe I told her I loved her last night. And the fact that she said it back? I didn't know what I was saying last night. But...I'm glad I did tell her, and that she knew that I wasn't lying, even if I was still slightly drunk, she knew I wasn't lying. Its true what I feel for her, she's just so loveable, and she makes me so fucking happy, and she's really good for Darcy too.

She's just perfect for me too.

Despite our ages, I really think this could work for us. As long as her work doesn't find out, everything will be fine. She kisses my head again, and I smile, as she rubs my head.

another double update lol

the babysitter || h.s✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora