twenty seven

175 0 0

Salem Woods
"Are you sure you want to go out?" Heather asks me, as I was putting the last of my makeup on. I give her a look.

She's so iffy about Harry and I but I'm so glad she knows now. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

I'm happy she knows, but she's been telling me to be careful, and I am. She says I should go on birth control, because Harry already has a kid, what if he fucks up again and gets me pregnant. No matter how many times I tell her that I won't let Harry skip the condom, she says I should just take that extra caution and go on it.

I remember her telling me that unprotected sex feels more pleasurable for both the male and female, and telling me that I should do it, but now she knows about Harry and I, she's telling me not too.

I know what she means, and Harry told me he and his ex were not responsible once, and she got pregnant, but that's because he didn't have condoms. I bought condoms to keep here, so he doesn't have to keep them on him.

'I'm sure, I need a night out." I nod, applying lipgloss. She was in a small halter top and high waisted jean, with white high top vans. I haven't decided what I was gonna wear, I was thinking a floral corset top, and light blue jeans, with my white Air Forces.

"And why is Harry not coming?"

"It's his sisters birthday this weekend, and she lives further away, so he's staying at hers for the weekend." I explain and she just nods. I know Ryan's coming with us, and maybe the rest of our friends, and I would love to bring Harry, but I can't. It's sad I can't bring Harry, but even if I could, everyone wold find out, and ruin the secret.

I don't like how we have to keep our relationship a secret but its safer this way, and I know that. Harry hasn't told anyone, and it makes sense but Heather saw the hickey I didn't have when I left the house, so she started asking,and I was over lying to her. I texted Harry like he wanted me too, and he wasn't mad, he was happy I got to tell someone, but he can tell his friend, whatever his name is.

I really hope he doesn't tell his parents.

I don't know about him, but I'm not ready to tell the parents yet. I don't even want my mom to know, let alone my dad. I hope he doesn't tell his parents yet. We will be telling our parents, just not yet.

I got dressed and I got a notification, from Harry, so I opened his snap, and it was him in the bathroom, a white towel low on his hips, so I saw his abs, v-lines, and his tattoos. I look at the photo for a few seconds, and I save it in chat. "Holy shit." Heather says and when I look up at her, she was looking over my shoulder.

I pull my phone away from her view, and smirk. "To think you've had sex with him." She gives a look. "He gives me big dick energy. Is his dick big?

"Heather!" I scold, those words sounding so foreign. "What is that for a question?"

"He gives me those vibes." She shrugs.

"It's weird." I shook my head.

"At least tell me if the sex was good."

I gave her another look. "It was...fine."

"Just fine? It wasn't good? Amazing? The best you've ever had?"

"You're annoying." I roll my eyes. "It was amazing, okay? I'm not describing it to you."

"That's more like it." She nudges me. "Gross, but..ya know." She adds. I close the bathroom door, and take off my singlet, so I was in a white bra, with my sweatpants that are Harry's, still on. I open snapchat, and turn the camera around, hiding my face with my phone, closing my eyes and take a picture. I look at the photo. Did I really wanna send half a nude to Harry?

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