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Harry Styles
"We go beach?"

"Yes, with Uncle Louis." I nod, and she smiles.

"Uncle Louis?" She beams. "Yay!" She then squeals.

"Well, let's get dressed." I say, walking into her room. I open her drawers and pull out a pair of jean overalls, and then a plain yellow shirt, then the white converses she has.

I open her draw and hand her underwear, which she takes and puts them on, but the overalls she needs help with. "I do shirt." She says and I hand it to her.

She opens it and puts it over head head, untucking her hair, and I then open the shorts. She holds my shoulders and slowly puts one foot in one, gains balance and then puts the other one, before I pull them up and do them up and I help her out the overall but on.

I put on little socks, then tying her shoes loosely because she doesn't like them tightly done up. "When's Salem coming back?" She tilts her head.

"Salem has a life, she can't stay here all the time?"

"Why not?"

"Because. She has her own free will, you'll see her soon, I had the day off today, so we're seeing Uncle Louis."

"Lou." She grins. I take her hand and she's already eaten. "Daddy get dressed?"

I was still in my clothes from lasts night, I kind of just fell asleep with them on. I put deodorant on, and then a new band tee, and a black hoodie which I spray with cologne.

"Okay let's go." I say. I pick her up and leave the house. I put her down and put her car seat back into the car, it was just a booster seat so the seatbelt wouldn't choke her, after connecting it, I put her in and she does her seatbelt up.

I get in and I play her playlist that has all the songs she likes, this being soundtracks to movies. I didn't want to play my music in the car with her beaches some aren't appropriate.

"Your mom is seeing you soon." I tell her.

"When?" She asks.

"A week. And you'll be there for the weekend, she messaged me and asked."

"No Salem?"

"Baby, I told you. She only comes over when I need her to look after you."

"Oh.." She fiddles with a toy she took with her.

I look back at the road and sigh.

When we made it there, we met Louis at the café near the beach, and when he walked in, a blonde girl follows behind him. I stand up and Darcy colours in the page that a waiter gave us, sipping on water.

"Louis." I nod, and he sits down.

"Harry." He nods back. I look at the girl. She had blue eyes and blonde hair with faint freckles. She looked a little younger than Louis, but not much younger.

"Harry, this is Briana, Briana this is Harry, my best mate."

"Hey." I smile and she shakes my hand.

"Hi." She replies back with the same warm smile and we sit down. "Is this Darcy?"

Darcy looks up at her name and she widens her eyes. "Wow!" She gapes and we all look confused. "Pretty!" She points.

"We don't point." I shake my head and pull her hand down. "Sorry." I say to Briana.

"Oh, don't be." She shakes her head. "Thank you sweet." She smiles to Darcy.

"So..hows life with a kid? Found a girlfriend yet?"

I shook my head. "How'd your date go?"

I arch a brow. "I'm Harry. How do you think it went?"

"Bad, huh?"

"Like you couldn't imagine."

"You're looking to date?"

"Not really date," I shake my head. "More like a.."

"Meaningless sex?"

"Louis!" She scolds. "Not with Darcy around."

"She has no idea what that is." He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, but don't teach her to say it." She shakes her head and Louis widens his eyes at me.

"She is right." I shrug, putting my arm across Darcy's chair. "But so is Louis. I'm not looking for a girlfriend, just someone to hook up with."

"I think I might have someone for you." She nods.


"Yeah." She nods. "I can try to set you up?"

"Yeah, sure." I nod.

"She's blonde too. See?" She showed me a picture what seems to be from Instagram.

She had blonde hajr and bright green eyes. I had to double look, blinking hard to get the one girl who's been in my mind a lot lately. "Kristy..Is that her name?"

"Yeah." She pulls her phone back. "She's twenty five." She nods and I smile.

"Sure." I nod. "Thank you."


"Oh fu...fudge...Briana is my girlfriend, I forgot to mention." He says.

"I figured." I nod.


We actually got along super well, Briana's really nice. I think she's good for Louis because he's always the type to not care what he says, what he wears so having her might knock him into place a bit.

Darcy was getting agitated around 2, and then started whining which was my cue to leave. I said goodbye to them with the girl Briana is gonna hook my up with in my contacts and a juice Darcy didn't finish.

When I drove home, I couldn't stop thinking about my kiss with Salem. Why couldn't I stop thinking about it? I's hard not to thin about it because...she's just attractive.

I shook my head away with the thoughts. Once we made it home, I sat on the floor and played with Darcy for a bit, before I made spaghetti for dinner, while she watched Frozen.

At dinner, she ate most of it but half of it was over her face, which meant I had to give her a bath. She loved the bath, but because she was wanting to be more independent, she had a shower, I stayed in the bathroom to supervise her and she just sung loudly the whole time.

I got her pyjamas, and she changed into them, before I put on sweatpants and took my shirt off, and we both brushed our teeth together. I read her a picture book and out her to bed, and did what Salem told me to do, stroking her head and keeping a calm voice which made her go to sleep.

I then watched an episode of Game Of Thrones, and scrolled on Instagram for an hour and a half before I decided to go to sleep because I was tired.

My mind always goes back to the night I kissed her and how I wished I didn't, because now she's all I really think about, and it's not good how I think about her. I just need to remember one thing;

She's my daughters babysitter.

ooh, harey having a crush?

also briana is in this, but there's not a lot of her :)

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