thirty one

193 0 1

Salem Woods
I hate Mondays.

These are the days that I'm a little late to Harry's house because I swear, it takes me forever to get out of bed. I woke up this morning and I knew I would see Harry, but I was a bit warm when I woke up this morning.

I checked the weather and it was meant to be warm today. I might even take Darcy down to the park that's down the road from their house, and get a bit of sun with her.

I settled on white overalls, and a pale pink cropped top, and my black converses. I put my hair into a high pony tail and pulled my hair lit a little to make it look a bit messy for the style.

I ate breakfast quickly, it was some cereal, and then I brushed my teeth, applied a lot of perfume and my peach lip balm, and got in the car, and started to drive to Harry's.

Heather is t a huge fan of Harry, and it's because of ages. Harry and I don't really care but it's not a nice feeing when your best friend doesn't want you to date your boyfriend, it means she dislikes him, and she's worried for me.

Don't get me wrong, her looking out for me is sweet, but I wish sometimes she would actually support me. She keeps going on about Harry and I sleeping together before we even started dating. And how because he's older, he's just using me for my body and my job, making me stay out late, kissing me, anything sexual, the hickeys, you name it. She mentioned it all.

The thought made me roll my eyes. I don't exactly like Ryan, he's a hit controlling but I don't tell her how I feel about her, because it's not up to me who she does and doesn't date. Why does she care? Harry and I are at a good point in our relationship. Why can't she just be happy for me?

When I arrived at Harry's, I heard Harry yelling from the hall, telling me to come in, so when I walked in, I furrowed my brows and followed the noise down the hall, literally throwing my bag on Harrys floor, his room was becoming messy.

Harry, was only in his sweatpants, meaning he's going to be late. "Salem!" Darcy gasps, running over to me completely naked. I widen my eyes and lean to my knees.

"Hey you." I gently hug her back. Harry holds a small pink towel in his hands, walking on his knees over to me. Harry looks at me and I pick up that he wants me to hold her so he can grab her.

She grins up to me with a toothy smile and Harry grabs her and wraps the towel around him and she squeal out laughter. I don't think I've ever seen her in a bad mood. "Hey, sorry." He says to me, rubbing her hair dry and she whines and tries to push his hands away, as I see the clothes on the bed, handing them to Harry.

"Tough morning?"

"Yeah." He sigh and nods. "I let her shower and then she wouldn't let me get her dressed. She's been like this for over 20 minutes." He explains in stress.

"I can finish getting her dressed?"

He smiles, his eyes flickering with hope. "You would?"

"Yeah." I nod with a smile. He blows me a kiss.

"Thank you." He stands up and bends over to kiss my cheek, then my neck arch because my neck was free from my hair. "I'll be back." He points to Darcy.

"You're being silly." I say, as she dresses herself, but holds onto me for balance.

"It's my birthday soon!" She grins.

"Your birthday? When that's?" I play on.

"July 19." She says. "And daddy has a girlfriend!"

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