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Harry Styles
I haven't had work the past two days, since Salem was last here to babysit, and I'm struggling. Darcy is begging me for her to go to school, but that means I'll have to pay school fees and whatnot.

I, of course, want her to go to school to get an education, but she's actually annoying me now. I again, today being a Wednesday, I didn't go to work, and I spent the day cleaning my car, her room, the house and her wardrobe.

I was tired by the end of the day. I was watching My Little Pony with Darcy which I actually think this show isn't bad, so I was actually watching it.

What pulled me away from this was my phone going off on the table. I leaned over to get it and I expected it to be Salem, but it wasn't.

Hayley: Can I have Darcy this weekend?

I roll my eyes. Hayley never puts in an effort to see Darcy, so I just raised her myself without even having second thoughts about Hayley. She's a bitch, and she had a new boyfriend every week. She never sees Darcy on her birthday, weekends, holidays or Christmas. It's like Darcy is invisible unless she wants wants her. I of course have to let her, but I think Gemma sees Darcy more than her own mom.

Me: i guess so...why?

Hayley: Because she's my kid too? You have her all the fucking time

Me: you never make an effort to see her, you just pay child support and ignore her

Hayley: I do not, you won't let me see her.

That's not true. I always ask if she wants Darcy for a Christmas or her birthday but I never get a response back or whatever. She's trying to make me look bad.

Me: hayley, don't kid yourself. what's so important about this weekend?

Hayley: I want my daughter to meet my fiancée, is that okay with you?

I roll my eyes. Maybe it's better, that she goes with Hayley, then I can see what Salem is doing.

Me: i'll ask her

"Darc." I say and she doesn't look at me for a second, then she finally looks at me. "Do you wanna go to your moms this weekend?"

"Why?" She asks.

"She wants you to meet someone." I shrug.

She just nods and looks back at the TV.

Me: pick her up at 4

Hayley: whatever

I switch from her contact to Salems.

Me: hey, are you busy this weekend?

Salem Woods
I smile as I read Harrys text, and I already know Darcy's not going to be with him this weekend.

Me: yes i'm pretty sure, why?

Harry: hayley finally decided it was tile to take darcy for a weekend, and i was wondering if you wanted to stay over for the weekend? x

I start grinning. A weekend at Harry's? That sounds amazing, and we wouldn't have to worry about Darcy, even better. I love her but I wanna spend some time with Harry. Just Harry.

Me: yeah that sounds amazing. i'll check with heather to see if she had anything planned but i don't think she does x

I was laying on my bed, reading a book with my reading glasses on, before he messaged me. I also wrote in my journal about our night when he asked me to be his girlfriend, I was so happy.

I hide my journal, not even Heather knows I have it. Journaling my thoughts and days when something good or bad happens, it lets me reflect on whether it was a good choice or not. Some are good choices, like my first time with Harry, getting a job at the childcare, and going out with Heather for endless laughs. And some are bad choices like, waking up hungover next to Kade, leaving my mom to get a job, and fighting with Heather over a stupid boy, but they're just some I remember on the top of my head.

I was really into Harry, I think he's sweet and he's hot. I followed him on instagram, and he hasn't followed me back yet, I'm not sure why but I've been stalking his friend Louis, and it seems that those two are good friends.

"Salemmm." I hear my name before the door opens and I look up at Heather standing there.

"Yeah?" I take my glasses off and close my book.

"I got invited to go camping this weekend, but it's with Ryan and his friends."

I instantly lie. "Ugh, as fun as that sounds, I have to babysit this weekend." I act annoyed.

"So call it off? Harry can find someone new? And besides, he kissed you, you should get him fired."

"I know he's an ass, but I already said I would, if you had come in seconds earlier, I would have said yes."

She rolls her eyes. "Whatever, You could have gotten in with Harrison."

"Ryan's best friend? I don't think so, but you should go, have fun." I nod.

"Are you sure? It's never fun without your best friend." She pouts.

I laugh. "I can't. But you should go, and tell me all about it."

"Okay fine, sure. Are you gonna be okay at home by yourself?"

"If not, I'll go see my mom, but I don't see why I wouldn't be okay, Heath."

"If you're sure." She sighs.

I nod. "I have to be."

"We're leaving Friday morning."

I just nod again. "Thanks." I smile as she walks out. I open my phone and I text Harry.

Me: perfect. heather said she is going camping with her boyfriend and his friends and i said i was "babysitting" so i guess i can go to your house for the whole weekend :) x

Harry: perfect, come Friday night, after Darcy leaves x

Me: see you then x

i've had major writers block and it's actually difficult to write nowadays. ;-;

also, heath, is a nick name for heather. h-ev, but it's spelt heath :) it's not heath :)

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