forty three

127 2 0

Salem Woods
With Harry now promoted, not that he doesn't always work, but he can choose when he wants to go to and leave work, so today he stayed home, and told me to come over. I didn't think much of it, but on the way there, I realised Darcy was gonna see me there and get confused.

I knock on the door, and Harry opens it like he was waiting g for me to knock. "Hey sweetheart." He kisses me and I smile.

"Hi babe. Where's Darcy?"

"She's in the bath, but I thought it's time to tell her? I mean, she's not going to know what the fuck it means."

I widen my eyes. "You wanna tell Darcy?"

"Yeah. Is that okay?"

"You wanna tell your daughter you're dating her 16 year old babysitter?" I ask.

"If anything, she'll be happy about it."

"Lovely." I breathe. "Um..I guess we can tell her."

"Are you sure? It means you can come over whenever, and she will know why now."

"Yeah." I nod. "It's a good idea, I think she should know."

"You are her stepmom.."

"Don't say that!" I whisper shout. "That's fucking...scary." I whisper.

He laughs. "Come here," He takes my hand, and pulls me down the hallway. I hear Darcy playing with her toys in the bath, splashing and laughing to herself, the door was open so she could call for Harry if she needed.

He pulls me in his room, and I see the room the tidiest I've ever seen it. I look around and I see a pile of clothes folded neatly at the end of his bed which was made like it was a hotel bed.

"These are yours." He looks at eve clothes. It was a pair of my pyjamas and a dress, nothing to fancy but it was still nice he washed them. I wash Harrys things, but I don't give them back. I smile.

"You're so perfect." I wrap my arms around his neck, standing on my toes to kiss him. He smiles and kisses me again, his eyes shutting as he leans in. I cup his jaw, feeling the sharp bone under my fingertips.

"Daddy!" I hear Darcy call from the bathroom.

He pulls away slowly, and I fold my lips in a line. "Way to ruin a moment..." He murmurs. He kisses me one more time, before he whispers to me, and leaves the room.

I touch my lips that were tainted with his, and I smile. "I wanna get out.." I hear her. I walk over to the bathroom and stand in the doorway, as he was bent over to pick her up, and she looks up at me as she stands on the floor.

She gasps. "Salem!" She jumps, but Harry catches her, and wraps her in a pink towel.

"Hi Darc." I smile.

"What are you doing here?" She asks as Harry dries her small body.

"You'll find out in a minute." I nod. She holds the towel over her, but drops it and Hardy goes to grab her but she slips from beside me. "Catch me!" She squeals.

Harry groans. "I don't like this game."

I laugh. "C'mon." I take his hand, his other hand holding the towel and she was in her room. We walk in and close the door behind us, so she's in the room with us.

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