twenty six

201 0 0

Heather Fall
Salem still wasn't home, and I had something I needed to tell her. I just found out Tom, Ryan's best friend, had a crush on Salem.

That's like...shocking.

Oh my god. When she finally came home, she went to her bedroom, and came back into the lounge room with
me. "Hey." I say, letting her settle in here before I tell her.

"Hey." She sigh and tips her head back. "What's up?"

Okay. I can't wait. "Guess what!"

"Why you so excited? It's like..9 at night."

This is one of the many nights she's been home early, usually it's 10, or 11.

"I just found out who has a crush on you!" I grin and she stares at me.

"Who?" She asks, tucking hair behind her ear.

"Tom!" I grin. "He told me he totally wants to ask you out and—" I notice her neck, and right where she moved her hair, I see something. "What is that, Salem?" I move her hair even more and she stood up so quickly.

"Nothing. You were saying?" She flakes off.

"Is that a hickey?" I ask, and she laughs.

"A hickey? Me?" She snorts.

"I saw it." I stand up and she couldn't move back, and she sighs heavily as I move her hair off her shoulder. It was a small mark, a cherry sized crimson coloured mark, that was slightly blotchy.

Did she have this, this morning? I didn't think she did. Then it hit me and my face drops.

"Did Harry give you that? Be honest." I ask, mortified for her answer to be honest. She was already looking down, with her arms crossed so she looks up at me though her lashes, and doesn't answer me. "Salem. Did Harry give you this?"

She again doesn't answer, she just goes to leave past me but I stand in front of her. "Salem!" I say louder. "Did Harry kiss you there?"

"Why does it matter?" She murmurs. "It's just a stupid hickey, big deal." She rolls her eyes.

"It's not the fact you have it, who gave it to you."

"Someone." She shrugs. I grab her jaw, and she stares at me.

"Was..It..Harry?" I ask. She rolls her eyes like she had decided something she didn't want too.

She just looks away and nods softly. I froze, my hands dropping from her face, my eyes widening. "Did something happen again?"

She nods again slowly. "Whatever it is, just tell me, before I loose my shit." I try to stay calm. This guy is a creep. He's kissed my best friend, been down on her when she's only 16, and now he gave her a hickey?

"Okay look, I haven't been honest with you, only because I didn't know how you'd react. But...I don't only work for Harry....He's my..Boyfriend..." She says slowly and my jaw drops silently.

I stare. They're dating? If she's got a mark from him...does that mean they've slept together? Or did she just kiss him again? She's dating someone who's 11 years older than her? I had so many questions.

"You're what?" I gape, breathlessly.

"I know you have so many questions, but promise me you won't tell anyone, you're the only one who knows, please Heath, I beg of you." She sounds desperate. I meet eyes with her, as I slowly sit down on the couch and she rushes over to join me. "I'll answer anything, just...please don't tell anyone."

So much about this is wrong. The most chilling one, is the fact that he has a child, that she babysits. What if she gets pregnant of him? Then he'll have two kids, one with his other child's babysitter?

the babysitter || h.s✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora