thirty five

129 1 0

double update bc this one was written 😎

Harry Styles
I've been back to work and Salem has been back to normal schedule this week, but as it was Friday, I needed a night out. Louis and I never go out anymore. When Darcy was younger, my mom used to take her for the night and Louis and I would go out, and get drunk.

I told Salem, and she was fine with it, only if I got home safely. I told her Briana was driving us in and out of the club, and that I was going over to hers after the club.

I wanted her to come, but she had studying to do for something and I didn't want to disturb her, and my mom wanted Darcy, and Louis wanted to go out.

I need a night out.

I dressed in a green hoodie, and black jeans and black converses, who was I impressing? I dropped Darcy off at my moms, and then drove back home, and ate something because drinking on an empty stomach is a bad idea.

Then, I got the essentials, my phone, wallet and keys and met Louis at the front, sitting in the backseat of their car.

Once we got there, Briana dropped us off and we walked in. He was wearing black jeans, and a white t-shirt, and white Vans.

"I'll buy the first round." I offer as we sit. "Two beers." I nod to the tender who grabs two bottle, popping the cap off.

Louis and I take one each. "Cheers." We raises the bottle, and I take a sip. I actually really don't like beer. I like vodka better.

I cringe but Louis swallows it like water. I lean against the bar, and hear a whole lot of music blasting, and it booming through my chest.

"Louis." I look at him, he looks at me.

"What!" He says in confusion.

I just shake my head, I wasn't going to shout this out loud. I take another sip of the beer, and looking at the stalls we were sitting on, seeing the black leather staring to peel off.

"What's wrong?" He asks me. I look at him. I shrug and shake my head. I wanted to tell him, but I also didn't rant the whole club to hear.

"It's Salem!" I tell him and he leans into hear me.

"What is she doing?" He asks with genuine concern.

"Nothing. Oh she's doing nothing, it's how I feel." I say.

"What are you saying?" He asks, in confusion of what I meant.

I think about it.

Salem has become so important to me, and I'd do anything for her. She's so nice, to me, to Darcy, to anyone. I think she's perfect, and she's just...right for me.

"I don't know." I shrug. "Ask me again when I'm three drinks in!" I laugh and he nods with a grin.

I didn't know what Id call my feelings for Salem, but I want to know, I just haven't figured it out.

After we finish the beer, Louis ordered us Vodka with lemonade and raspberry, and I had about three of those and then we were given a tequila shot by the tender, for free.

By the second vodka, I was feeling it. But after the rest of the shit I drank, I was gone. Everything was moving.

I follow Louis outside from our seats and having to run my hand against the wall as I was struggling to walk straight and so was he.

I slump on the seat, a few men were playing poker, shouting at each other and cussing at each other, taking shots and making lots of noise. Louis flicks his lighter which makes my head turn, my eyes felt so tired but I was wide awake.

I was a horny drunk as well, so I have to be careful if I go to Salems.

He takes a drag.

"I know what it is." I say, and he could actually hear me now and he looks at me.


"Salem." I slur. " her."

He furrows his brows and then starts laughing. "Oh Harry." He grins back and I grin too. "No you don't, silly."

"Yes I do." My voice goes all high. "She's like..." I start laughing, then I just stop. "I dunno..."

Louis laughs and so do I.

Being drunk, leaves me with my thoughts, some good, some are sober thoughts, and some are just stupidly bad, but when Salem comes to my mind, it's never anything bad.

She makes me feel so good, in more ways then one. She makes me so happy in more ways then one. She makes me so happy to wake up another day, and I could go on.

My feeling towards her have grown so much, and I haven't met my limit when it comes to feeling for her. Me thinking I love her is a sober thought, even if I'm drunk, it still plays as a soberly thought.

Louis isn't much help, he thinks I'm
just star struck by her, and he might be right but fuck him. What I feel for her is my own feelings. I was just telling Louis though.

After silence, he speaks again. "Are you being serious?"

"Yes." I nod. "I may be drunk, but this is the most sober thing I'm thinking."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna tell her."

"What if she doesn't say it back?"

I shrug. "I didn't care, she needs to know I feel this way towards her."

"What do you think she's gonna say?"

"I don't know." I shrug. "But I need to tell her. I'm going to hers after."

"Lemme know how it goes?"

I nod, taking another sip again.

hello? harry?

the babysitter || h.s✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora