59. Forehead kisses

Start from the beginning

"Okay that's a relief. But I was thinking..." He trailed off as If thinking something for real.

"Thinking what?" You asked.

"That talking on call is kinda romantic but I like sexting more. What do you say?" You could literally feel his smirk in his voice.

"Aish! You'll never change." You shook your head.

"But I'm sure you like this version of me." He chuckled. You couldn't help but smile.

"Wait- jungkook! Did you finish the homework?" You suddenly remembered.

"Uh, that... I'm doing just that." He laughed to cover his nervousness.

"Don't lie to me, jungkook you need to be serious about this. Your exam is just around the corner. We don't want to regret anything, do we?" You said in a gentle voice. You don't want to scold him but making him understand is important.

"Uh, I know, noona. But, I miss you so much that I can't concentrate that's why I called you." He said quietly.

"I know, baby. But I don't want to be your distraction. Make me your strength and work harder. I want you to get stronger everytime you think about me. You can do this for me, right? I trust you, kook." You sat down on the bed with a sigh.

"Mhmm. I don't want to disappoint you, noona. I love you, you know that, right?" He said as he pouted unknowingly.

"Yes, kook, I know. But if you keep being like this then, I'll have no option but to stop talking to you until the exams are over. Will you like it?" You said, now getting firm.

"What? No! I can't live like that. I promise I'll work hard." His voice was desperate which almost made you chuckle.

"Okay! Let's see how much you can be sincere and listen to what I say obediently." You heard a gulp on the other side.

This boy! Always thinking dirty.

"Noona, that could have been so hot if we were together in my bed right now." He was silent after that. Is he serious?

"Yaah! I just lectured you about being serious at studies, And you again started it." This time you were so done with him, but deep down you knew that he's just a kid from inside who needs love and attention so you couldn't be harsh.

"Okay okay, my dear Ms Kim. I will study hard and be obedient from now on. I can do it for you, love." He chuckled and you smiled foolishly at his words.

Talk about being crazy in love~

"Hmm, now put your phone aside and start studying." You said, clearing your throat.

"What? But if I don't sleep now, how will I wake up early? How will I work out?" He said in a panicked voice. So dramatic!

"Why do you need to work out? You're hot enough for me already." You blurted out accidentally.

"Oh? Is that so?" He teased.

"Y-yeah. You don't have to impress anyone now, I'm already so impressed by you so you can stop working out for a few days until exams." You said hurriedly.

"I see how it is now." His voice was low and seductive.

"Argh! I'm hanging up, you start studying already." You hung up, flustered by his words and voice.

On the other hand, jungkook had a nice laugh at your flustered state.

After some days~

"Aahhh!! I'm so screwed, man!" It was jimin.

"What the hell happened?" Jungkook asked.

"The exam is coming soon and I feel so lost." Jimin groaned.

"Bro, everyone's the same. Chill." Jungkook sipped on his banana milk peacefully.

"But- BUT!" He yelled all of a sudden.

"Yaah! Stop shouting. You're scaring away the kids." He snickered.

"Who kids? What kids? I need namjoon!!" He suddenly got up and sprinted off to the library.

"He's acting up again. When will he grow up?" Jungkook made a dramatic disgusted face and threw the empty can into the dustbin.

"I don't need namjoon hyung." He stopped for a moment. "Well, not literally, he's my favourite hyung. But I need my noona, she'll help me cheer up again." He hummed and skipped his way to the staff-room.

"Jungkook! This is the third tome you've come here with an excuse to get motivation, and it's only Wednesday." Chaeyoung said, being so done with him.

"Ms Kim is my motivation, Ms Park. I need to have a word or two with her, can I? Please?" He said being dramatically polite and formal.

Chaeyoung sighed and let him go inside.

"Here we go again!" Mr Min said as he saw jungkook.

"Mr Min, don't be sad because you haven't seen jimin lately. Exam is just around the corner so there's not much time left." He said with a chuckle and went closer to him. "He'll soon be yours." He whispered that made Mr Min laugh.

Everyone got surprised for a while but soon shrugged it off.

"Yaah! Jungkook, come here." You called him.

"I'm just helping him." He muttered and sat down on an empty stool, just in front of you.

"Now what this time? A head pat? A cheek peck? Or some sweet words?" You sighed and turned towards him, facing him properly.

"What about a make out session?" He winked with a smile.

"Shut up! No kisses for you until the exam is over." You whispered.

"So cruel!" He muttered again.

"What are you doing? The break time is almost over." You glanced at the clock.

"Yeah. I just wanted a forehead kiss." He smiled again.

"What? Here?" You asked and he nodded immediately.

You hesitated for a while but knowing his stubborn personality you had to do it so he would go to his class. You looked around and everyone seemed busy.

Is this really okay?

You quickly pulled him closer and gave a quick peck on his forehead. He giggled quietly and stood up.

"Now I'm fired up to study even more." He said and ran outside.

You chuckled and shook your head. Now that you think about it, he has been doing a lot more better than before. His grades have gone up in the class tests. It's good and you were happy.

He didn't break the promise. He's not always the bad boy everyone see him as, but not everyone is lucky enough to know the real him.

Yes, you're so damn lucky.



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