Chapter 34: Fake Out (The sad attempt of making a decent ending)

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Airy: I'm tired.

Liam: Stop talking I'm trying to figure this out.

Airy: Figure what out?

Liam: I found this thingy on the floor, it says: BL.

Airy: What?

Liam: Never mind.

Airy: I'm hungry.

Liam: But you already ate just now, I'm sorry but I can't get you any other food, we need to conserve, everyone is dying and all the meat in the religion has spoiled already, all thanks to those creepy fish spider things...

Airy: ...

Liam: Airy, what are you doing?

Airy: ...



Liam: AHHHHHH!!-


It's the end now.


Candle: This is not it, Nickel, you are not serious.

Nickel(clone): Why should I be?

Candle: I need to check something, stay still.


Candle: You're not the real one...

Nickel(clone): What?! I'm real! I'm very real!

Candle: Your aura says otherwise.

Nickel(clone): Aura smollamar!

Candle: Where is the real one?

Paintbrush(clone): Candle, what's happening?

Paintbrush: Hi there!

Paintbrush(clone): ???

Candle: This is not right, all of you are clones, this isn't possible.

Clover(clone): Anything is possible! You just have to put your mind to it!

Candle: Everyone is fake?!

Gelatin: Fake?! That can't be good!

Flower: Did the real ones die already...?

Blocky(???): We are clones? This has to be a prank.

Leafy(???): I'm scared...

Clover(???): Candle you have to understand-

Candle: NO!! I can't live on knowing that all my friends are just copies and the real ones are dead!

Airy(???): [Sad face]

Candle: Stay back! All of you!

Balloon(???): Candle, calm down-



Paintbrush(???): D-did you just... killed him...?

Clover(???): No no no no no... stop! Candle! Please!


Paintbrush: W-..why...?


Teardrop(???): ...

Leafy(???): WHY IS THE SKY RED!?

Candle: Huh, this really is the end.

Clover(???): You knew this was going to happen..?!

Candle: Yeah, and we are all going to die of the chemicals in the air.

Leafy(???): Chemicals?!

Candle: Sorry, but this is not goodbye, this is see you later.



Candle(???): Liam.

Liam(???): Yeah?

Candle(???): You know it's the end right?

Liam(???): Mhm.

Candle(???): Why aren't you doing anything about it?

Liam(???): It's pointless, no one will listen to me anyways.

Candle(???): Oh.


Candle(???): Did you think this was how you were going to die?

Liam(???): No, I thought I'd die like a normal person.

Candle(???): Same here.


Candle(???): I actually find something confusing.

Liam(???): What is it?

Candle(???): Well, this story, it's been showing different(some unrelated) perspectives but for some reason it keeps changing the plot like a complicated puzzle, it's like reality is warping.

Liam(???): Warping?

Candle(???): Yeah, maybe we missed something important.


Liam(???): I guess this is it.

Candle(???): Well, see you later Liam.

Liam(???): See you later too, Candle.

The void collapses.


The End

[Thank you for reading! I knew I would never be as good as writing as others but I appreciate most of the feedback I see, most of them are funny ones, even laughed at some of them. So thank you, for just being there. See you!]

(Also there is no book two, that was my long lasting April fools, hehe.)

So bye.

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