Chapter 10: Scarred

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Remote woke up again in the night, more like very early morning. Her current batteries were starting to run out, she is going to have to get new batteries soon, at least she has to extra batteries with her, tomorrow or maybe the day after she can change them. This time she was unable to sleep, Remote had nothing to do so why not check on the others?

She heard some mumbling, maybe she can check out there first, as she walked towards the noises she thought she saw two eyes staring and glowing white in the dark, she blinked and they were gone, probably a hallucination from the running out batteries. It was not long before Remote reached the source of the sounds, since she could kind of see in the dark it a bit easier to identify what it was. Huh, a weird looking paintbrush, interesting.

Paintbrush: Ugh....S-stop....I don't wanna....

They groaned as they wrapped their arms around themselves, they seemed afraid of something, maybe they were having nightmares, she should probably leave them alone for now, they don't seem comfortable now.

Paintbrush tossed and turned while still keeping a scared face, Remote walked away, what can she do now? It started to get boring again, she looked around for any form of entertainment but nothing, it might be her or she is just a robot that can't seem to find anything fun to do.

It was silent till the door opened, a man stood over the door, he looked down and let out one of his arm, he grabbed another object and walked out, what were they planning with all of them?

Alarm: Blaring*

Blocky: Ugh...It's time already..? Ugh....

Blocky hasn't been doing well, after all the cannibalism he has committed to, he has been going through some weird hallucinations and had random headaches when he was sleeping and it caused him to wake up and he couldn't go back to sleep, he has been very tired as well, not going good so far.

Speaker: Morning subjects, is subject 38 here?

A male voice spoke through the speaker. Everyone looked around awkwardly, who is subject 38? There is almost no one in the room now, about half of them are either missing or dead.

Lightning: Can you be more specific?

Lightning shouted at the speaker as loud as he could. Fanny gave him a death glare for all the noise he was making.

Speaker: Uh-one sec-

Shuffling noises*

The room was filled with confused faces, except for Fanny-and Pin, they both don't really care or are not paying any attention on whatever goes on, unless it's has something to do with them.

Speaker: B-backpack? Is there a backpack here? Subject 38?

Everyone looked around the room, turned out to be Backpack, he was..still sleeping, somehow ignoring the noises. He did woke up recently to the speaker though, Backpack looked down to his 'chest', the numbers '38' was written on the tag in thin red ink, neatly. He let out a soft sigh, standing up and stretching his limbs, he walked towards the speaker.

Liam: Yes? What do you want?

Speaker: Your friend is coming back today, do not speak anything of your last incident with him, he might go into shock, also he might have a small memory loss.

Friend? Oh right, Soda Bottle, his name was Bryce right? Whatever, not very useful. Wait, did he say..memeory loss? What happened? How does she even know him?

Liam: You mean Soda-uh, Bryce right? How do you know him?

Speaker: Yeah, says here that your his close friend, Subject 38. He is coming back today, just not now, maybe later.

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