Chapter 28: Foggy Sight

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It was just another day in the forest, not knowing where to go or what to do. The light of the sun shines over the waterfall, the trees provided protection against the sunlight.

A red fog had overwhelmed the forest overnight, the fog was thick and heavy. Almost could not breath. Almost.

The fog has caused the suffocation of some animals that lived in the woods and their dead bodies start limping around with wire like lines coming out of them.

Liam went out for searching, Airy had to keep guard of their 'home' while also trying to see through the red fog. His wings were closed shut and he started shaking slightly in fear, because he knew that something was in the darkness.

Just than, he heard an ear-piercing screech, he flinched and looked around fearfully. Not knowing what to expect. He suspected an object of some sorts but couldn't make out the figure that was moving in the forest. He panicked slightly, sensing that the backpack was in great danger.

Airy held his breath and covered his eyes with his hand, terrified by the heavy breathing of something behind him. The figure dragged its heavy body pass Airy, he was too terrified to scream. It seemed to be a squirrel, with multiple hand like wires coming out of its back and gouged out eyes that hung out of its sockets, it clicked its tongue while it's 'hands' carried its body like a spider. Suddenly, between a second it turned to Airy, it's gouged out eyes rotated towards him. There was an eerie silence in the air, but before half a moment could go by, the creature screeched and raised its arm to make the first move.

He quickly ran out of the way and the wire like arms had caused large, deep scratches onto the bark of the tree. It turned to Airy and ran towards him at lightning speed, as much as Airy would like to admit, he kind of liked spiders when he was isolated, they were like his only friend and he would always let them crawl inside of his glass head knowing that they would never bite unless threatened, but now seeing at another angle, he can understand the fear others face when a creature like this comes to reality.

The creature roared and quickly dragged its limping body towards him, he starts running for his life, faster than ever, he didn't wanted to die like this, not after everything that has happened. Airy glided through the forest with his wings and brought himself to the other side of camp, a river separating the two lands.

It started using its arms to carry the body and brought itself to where Airy stood. He started running again, fearing a fate worse than ever, death. He was eventually cornered and had no choice but to fight, he unsheathed his claws and sprinted himself towards a he creature, pinning it down and clawed the thing's skin and arms. It let out a spine-chilling scream. Attempting to fight back. Only to be dragged to the river and shoved downstream, Airy had to kick the thing down the river and ensured that it could not swim up and come back again.

He collapsed to the ground in aching pain, not sure what had just happened. Airy crawled himself back to the camp, stumbling onto his bush bed and gazing at the files under it. He took them out and placed it on his 'head', fanning the heavy fog away from his eyes,it burned like hell, making his eyes water and slightly more red. His 'head' ached intensely, like a rock was thrown to his fragile globe. After the incident, Airy would probably needed some rest, or at least he thought. Suddenly, he felt that his eyes burned further, unable to hold back the pain, he screamed loudly while straining his voice. Covering his eyes entirely with his hands and clawing his glass 'head'. He felt the warm blood seeping out of his eyes, what was happening? Why is this happening to him?

Airy soon went unconscious due to the overwhelming pain in his entire being.

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