Chapter 32: StoryTime

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-Gore/Consumption of organs

"It was a Sunday morning, and the sun was completely burning into the earth like there was no tomorrow. Fealy and Blocky sat under a tree that was literally on fire, the scorching Sun was never this bad before, what happened?

The news claimed that a group of people died due to heat stroke because of the heat, was it really that bad? Blocky thought as he looks at the tree that was disintegrating into burning ash. Maybe it is. He thought in his head, he looked at Fealy and then looked away before turning his head to them in shock. It turned out, the tree was on fire because half of Fealy IS made of fire, that explained it.

Blocky: Hey, I think you caused the tree to set aflame.

Fealy: I did not!

Blocky: You did!

Fealy: Not!

Fealy bellowed. The two start arguing and it escalated to aggressive fighting, Fealy would punch right in Blocky's face and Blocky would kick Fealy's stomach so hard it felt like organs were shooting out from them, in exaggeration. The fire on Fealy crackled louder as their blood began to boil under their skin. Eventually, they both stopped their fight and worked out their differences and just ignored each other for a moment. Blocky was absolutely angered and upset of Fealy's unacceptable behavior towards people, they would act angry, furious and mad, Fealy would beat up the person and leave them bleeding on the floor miserably, which in Blocky's opinion, sounded like a agonizing medieval torture device. Fealy would just make a lot of terrible excuses to why they would beat people up, and all Blocky could do was just forgive them and let them do whatever they desired or wanted, if he did not, Fealy would rage and cause chaos in the forest while everyone else was just trying to find those incredibly insane scientists that messed up the living objects.

Fealy just grumbled angrily and made weird noises with their mouth closed and crossed their arms in disgust of Blocky for some reason. Despite them seeming like close friends, they were more of frenemies than what most thought, much to everyone's surprise and disappointment. Blocky faces Fealy and sticks his tongue out mockingly, Fealy looks at Blocky in even more disgust and blows raspberry at him, eventually they both started fighting like children by slapping their hands against the others harshly-"

Fealy: Okay, stop.

Basketball: What's wrong?

Grassy: I'm Grassy!

Blocky: No one cares Grassy.

Grassy: D:

Basketball: Hey that's rude! Don't say that!

Blocky: Whatever.

He crosses his arms and looks away in anger.

Fealy: The story sucks d*ck.

Basketball: Hey! That's not cool. Don't say that in front of Grassy!

Fealy: What are you going to do about it you fat *ss black-striped orange?

Basketball is incredibly shocked at their mean swears and Grassy just looked traumatized. Fealy looks like they were about to kill someone in cold blood. Blocky looked frustrated, the story was literally dog sh*t. Fealy snatches the book from Basketball and threw it out of the window of the hut, Grassy tries grabbing it but his short and stubby arms could not reach fur enough to the book falling out of the window. The book fell and hit someone who was Flower talking to Gelatin mindlessly about his steakhouse. Flower yelps and falls on the floor. Gelatin was unfazed and confused, just looking at the damaged flower on the dirty floor. Gelatin just walks away without a word. Flower slowly gets up and groans in immense pain and looks at the heavy book, their wasn't any severe damage on her but it hurt like hell.

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