Chapter 1: Headache

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Vomit warning!

The room is quiet, everyone is asleep. A person clicked on the microphone and pressed the alarm at the side, soon the silence will be interrupted and filled with a loud alarm.

Alarm: Blaring*

The room was filled with tired groans, it seemed that everyone didn't sleep well as they had to sleep on the hard, cold floor. Leafy had the terrible headache, this time it was even worst, she placed her hand on her forehead and held it there tightly. The microphone turned on.

Speaker: Subject 34, come to the experiment room now, just follow our staff outside, thank you.

Everyone looked at their wrists that had the grey bracelet. Teardrop looks at hers, looks like she is subject 34. Without hesitation, she stood up, walked towards the metal door and waited for it to open. The moment it opened, she followed the staff down the hallway of the lab before the door closed immediately.

Blocky stares into his other wrist that was empty, he feels weird, his wrist felt numb and his headache felt like he was carrying a hammer on his head, he never had a headache that hit this hard before, something is wrong. Blocky's vision was starting to turn more blurry by the seconds and everything was shaking a lot, he starts feeling his anxiety rising and felt extremely exhausted.

Blocky's POV: Maybe one nap will be fine.

He thought about staying awake, but he was more tired than ever and his head was screaming at him to sleep. After a while, he suddenly collapsed onto the floor. The last thing he heard after falling was someone calling him.




???: Are you okay?

???: Hello? Wake up.


???: Ahem... WAKE UP!

Blocky woke up and yelped, he still had the headache but it was better in the least. A grey coin was standing over him, he seemed short, the other one was a salmon red balloon, he was slightly taller than the coin.

He tries to stand up but doesn't have the strength to do it, and he falls on the floor.

Pin: I don't think you should do that...

Blocky looked at Pin for a moment before realizing her, she was from Tpot.

Blocky: Wha- Pin?!

Pin: What? You didn't expected me to be here? As I suspected it.

Blocky doesn't understand why she acted a bit different than before, he also noticed that he wasn't in his original spot before he slept. I'm fact, he was far away from his previous spot.

Paintbrush: Well, if you were gonna ask why she is acting like this, it's because a scientist brought her to the experiment room and did something to her.

Firey: Yeah, also you were acting strange while you were sleeping. It was kinda cool though!

???: I don't think that is something to be happy about...

Why is everyone acting so weird? He doesn't know, the only thing he knows is that he is with Tpot contestants, which were considered worst enemies because they abandoned Four's show and joined someone that they met only five minutes ago to have a chance on winning Two's stupid powers, what would they even do with it after winning? Move forests? That's just lame and dumb. Who would want to move a forest? What would even be the reason? Blocky realized that everyone was chatting with each other, they were chatting about the weird things that their 'friends' were doing.

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