Chapter 15: Save Them

331 5 21

- Heavy Gore
- Cannibalism

It's morning again, headache got even more worse than it could be somehow but can't really do anything about it, might as well suck it up and just go along the day.

Everyone was hungry, very, very hungry, they'll probably die in the next week or two if they don't get anything to feed on. Maybe they should send a signal for food or something..ugh, too tired to even do that.

Bryce was as hungry as ever, eating off on his own would definitely destroy his health and mental state and he would certainly not recover, not after..taking a bite. He looked at his arm for moment, yeah there is no way he is going to eat off his own flesh.

He looked around for a moment, before his eyes caught on a certain object, Amelia...she wouldn't mind if he took a small bite right? He crept up to the blue candle without her noticing, before lunging towards the candle's arm and quickly biting onto it, his sharp canine teeth ripped through her skin in an instant, blood was already starting to run down onto the floor. Amelia was caught off guard, she yelped and collapsed on the floor, before screaming in pain, but Bryce ignored the screams of plead and continued to mercilessly bite through her flesh.

It took only in a matter of seconds before a fairly large piece of flesh was torn out of her arm, it felt slimy and gross but he was willing to consume her flesh, Amelia looked at her arm while Bryce was just sitting there and staring at the floor near, the piece of her arm was visible inside of his plastic. He looked up towards the horrified candle, he didn't know what came over him but he tried apologizing, like it was going to work somehow.

Bryce: S-sorry..I was, hungry....

Amelia: Why?! I know you are hungry but you didn't needed to eat a part of my arm!

Bryce: I-...needed to...

Oh no, Bryce was hangry. Only 'Backpack' could watch, the soda bottle lunged at Amelia again, this time more quicker and farther than last time, he bite into her 'chest' which caused some of the glass to crack and fly everywhere, Amelia was screaming in agony as Bryce dug his arm through her skin, blood was flowing out of the giant hole in a overwhelming amount, so much that Pin fainted and collapsed in the background.

For some reason, no one could move, not even 'Backpack', like something was holding them back, the only thing they could do was watch in horror as the soda bottle dug her organs out of her body, her screams had finally calmed down but she still was alive, very barely, with a face of horror. Bryce took one of the pieces of organs that he had dug out and starting eating it, he looked like he was driven to high insanity, his pupils had turned red, and blood was stained almost on every part of his body, the piece that he had ate went down had dropped down inside of him, it was at the bottom of the soda bottle and it was visible. He started shoving pieces in his mouth and forced himself to down them all.

He continued devouring each piece one by one and eventually...all that was left was... skin.. blood... and glass....

Bryce.. what have you done?





???: Wake up...


???: Wake up...


They are waiting for you....

Get up...

Candle was lying on her back, recollecting the events of earlier, which haunted her mind limitlessly, staring at the grey abyss of the roof, they seemed to stretch out higher but in reality they were just plain normal roofs. Bryce is back in the asylum room, while Amelia.. she didn't make it, of course she couldn't, not after having her organs eaten. Death is coming for them....

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