Chapter 24: Isolated From Reality In Causality

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-Mention of murder
-consumption of drugs and cannibalism

File 7:

Name: Subject 43 (Bryce, red soda bottle)

Age: Adult (Male)

Status: Alive

Personality: Hostile

Interaction: Will not obey orders, stays in the corner of subject containment and avoids making any contact with other subjects. Is a mental and physical threat to both subject and tester, only talks to subject 38 and subject 37.

Weakness(es): Mentally unstable,
severe injuries,
half blind

Previous Residence: Mysterious Planet

Note: Separate containment due its murder of subject 37.

Suggestion: Put up for physical training


File 6:

Name: Subject 37 (Amelia, blue scented candle)

Age: Adult (Female)

Status: Dead

Cause of death: Hostility from subject 43 and the consumption of drugs, the subject's organs were missing, presumably died from blood loss.

Weakness(es): Inability to see clearly,
severe injuries,
grew mould

Previous Residence: Mysterious Planet

Tests put up for: Reaction to drugs,
durability test

Suggestion: Incinerate

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???: You can't keep hiding in here. You'll have to come out eventually..

I don't care.

???: ..Even though there's..another version..of you in testing, DOESN'T mean that you won't be used.

I can't trust you.

???: Why not? I'm the one who takes care of you, you HAVE to trust me.

Why should I?

???: I'm the only thing that's keeping you from going to the real world and immediately ending up dead.

What makes you think I wanted to go outside? My mood? Ha! Don't try to make me laugh, I only want to see a old friend of mine, that's all. Even if I die. You can't keep me away from him.

???: I..will be getting your..lunch....

Hurry up, I don't want to eat you.

???: Just eat this, don't question where it came from.

Um, Crunch* what the...

???: By the way, uh, do you..want me to bring anyone in here?

.....No. Leave me alone.

???: I still need to watch you, you know?

Can you at least put me to sleep?

???: I'm not allowed to do that.

Just do it.

???: I said I won't.




So what happened?

Mum got angry, and called me useless basard. Am I a basard?

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