Chapter 0: Their Arrival

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The sun was shining brightly on the island, Teardrop is emerging from the bushes and heading towards the beach area, Leafy notices her and runs towards her.

Leafy: Hey TD! Welcome back!

Teardrop: No response*

Leafy: We have been looking for you, where did you went?

Teardrop: No response but starting to look a bit...anxious?*

Leafy doesn't see the reason why she looked a bit anxious but quickly brushes it off and pulls Teardrop with her while chatting about what has been going on since the season ended, Teardrop only responded in a few nods and shrugs but she doesn't seem bothered or annoyed either way.

Rustling and voices are heard in the small forest at the corner of the island, some mumbling and shadows were appearing.

Leafy: Huh? What was that noise?

Teardrop: Shrugging*

Something jumped out of the bushes and fell on the ground, it was Flower. Gelatin and some others arrived at the forest entrance.

Gelatin: Running* Hey Flower! Are you okay?

Flower: I-I don't know! There is something in the forest!

The rustling and the voices were getting louder, a figure pops out of the bushes and looks at the objects, eyes wide open.

???: Oh. My. God.

More of the figures start appearing. They are admiring the sunset, but more importantly, the objects.

Blocky: Um, why are they looking at us like that?

Firey: Maybe they are visitors! Hey guys, what's up?

Flower: I don't think they came here to visit.

The figures continue to stare at them, before pulling something out, it seemed to be a small needle. Woody notices, he started thinking about the possibilities of what they could be doing with a needle, until he realises and starts to worry.

Woody: I have a bad feeling about this....

Blocky looks at him with the 'what is it?' Face, he tries explaining when suddenly one of the figures launched towards them, Woody tried to pull him away but the figure was stronger than him and Blocky was taken away.

Leafy: AAH- RUN!

Everyone immediately went into panic mode and started running for their lives, screaming for help of the hosts, but they never came. Fortunately, some of the objects were able to avoid them and hid away in the bushes, while the rest were taken away mercilessly and dragged into the depths of the forest.

Four: Yelling* Hey! Where is everyone?!

Gelatin: Four! Everyone was taken away by some weird things! What are we gonna do?!

Four: Alright, you people are gonna have to find them before they ran away!

Profiley: And if we don't?

Four turns to Profiley and gives him the death stare for the dumb question, and almost went at him to screech in his face but X looks at him angrily and he was able to hold his anger back.

Four: Than you will never see your dear friends again! Now what are you waiting for? Go!

Meanwhile, in a grey room, Leafy lay still on the hard, cold floor. She groans and gradually sits up with a terrible headache. Looking around, she realised that she was in a unfamiliar room with only a metal door at the corner and a rectangular mirror at the side of the room, the floor seemed to be a light grey while the wall is a bit darker, the room was only being brightened by the two large lights that are installed on the ceiling, it seemed a bit comfortable except the fact that she had to sleep on the floor.

Subject Crossover | Book 1(?) | Crossover Au | bad writingWhere stories live. Discover now