Chapter 20: Vents

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Lightning: Are you sure we should do this?

Remote: Just do it.

Lightning wasn't sure if he was meant to do this but as long as it was safe for him and everyone else than he won't mind after all. He levitated up to the roof the room and reached his hands on the vent, once he gripped on the vent tightly, he pulled the vent lid as hard as possible, while making a noise which showed that he was definitely struggling.

Everyone else from below was looking up at him, with a few nervous looks. Teardrop just stared into the ground, ever since Stone went missing, she kind of missed him, he was like her relative or something, they had so much in common, she wasn't sure when Stone was coming back but hopefully soon.

Lightning: Sorry, I can't pull the lid off. It's screwed tight.

Remote: Maybe it needs a screwdriver.


The blue fan yelled angrily, Fanny wasn't at all happy with the plan, the plan to get out of here, but she hated death more than anything. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she was tip toeing on her two legs as she continued yelling at Lightning that she hates this. A lot. But luckily Lightning managed to ignore her.

Pin: How about we throw something at it?

Pin asked as she was looking around, getting ready to take a person and launching them at the vent and the vent bursting open, that was what she imagined in her mind.

Lightning: Maybe.. not, might end up killing someone, I think we should just do what Remote said.


Lighting: Mumbles* Shut up.

Lightning was visibly annoyed by Fanny as she said similar sentences very often, including every situation that has a bad time to speak in. He flew back down with a slightly disappointed look while Remote thought through and through about the vent.

It was kind of concerning that the two other objects have not come back, and so did Soda Bottle, but it seemed that he was with Backpack, 'safe and sound'.

Pin was just sitting with Teardrop and Fanny, chatting about something out of the ordinary.

Pin: I remember a minute ago, I imagined you as a tree! And Fanny was a bush!

Remote: ...okay.


Ah yes, Fanny was right. She was one of those psychopaths that brings people to insanity during their free time, by talking absolute nonsense that brings many people to the brink of insanity, in a jokingly or playful manner of course, though Pin should probably not have even said a word as that was a terrible timing, many find her annoying nowadays. Especially Fanny.

Pin: I also imagined Raindrop as a puddle of water!

Lightning: Her name isn't Raindrop? It's Teardrop.

Lightning overheard their conversation, a weird things about Pin is that she also gets other object's names wrong but related to them, like the other day she called Lightning as Thunder, Remote as Tv Controller, and now Teardrop as Raindrop.

Pin: Potato, tomato! Teardrop is the same as that! What's the difference?

Remote: Teardrops come from someone who is crying from an emotional breakdown or when someone activates a... 'sensitive spot' in their brain which releases chemicals that activate them to cry and raindrops come from water that evaporates and condenses to its surroundings and go up to the sky, if heavy enough than they form rain. At least, I think that's the difference.

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