Chapter ?*#: Amnesia

416 2 28




???: Panting*

[Covers mouth with fear]

[Thumping footsteps]

???: Snarling*


. . .

???: Crunch* mmmm......

[Squishing noises]



Blocky woke up at the brink of dawn, met by the calm sounds of waves crashing against the surface, he opened his eyes to see small stars in the dark sky, soft green grass was below him, where is he?

He sat up to see a familiar area, the island? How did he get here? Blocky looked around, the forest, the trees, everything seems like just as it was when he was last at Bfb, maybe it was all a dream?

He took a step forward, nothing happened, he took another step, nothing again, he took a moment before he walked forward a bit, he still felt lightheaded and hurt but at least he is back here.

Blocky saw someone waving at him with a wide smile, it's..Leafy? Wait, didn't she died? Maybe it really was a dream..

The cheerful green leaf waved happily at the injured block.

Leafy: Hey Blocky! Over here!

Blocky didn't know what to say, he just stared in disbelief at her, is it really her?

Blocky: L-Leafy...? Is that you?

He didn't hesitate to take steps forward towards Leafy, he felt himself smiled softly, can't believe he is actually back, after all this time? He steps became faster, he suddenly stopped when his head ached, he held his head for a moment before looking back at Leafy, she waved for a while before her smile fell slightly and her arm was just raising up in the air.

Leafy: Come on Blocky! Let's go! Gelatin needs some small food supplies for his and Flower's steakhouse!

Blocky hesitated before walking again, this time he walked slower than before, he made sure that he wouldn't trip or get hurt from something or anything like that.

Suddenly, he felt someone's hand grab him by the wrist, he jolted forward at the sudden touch. He turned back to see a object, another shadow, it started dragging him away from Leafy.

Blocky: H-Hey! What the hell are you doing?

???: No response*

The object kept dragging him until he saw a metal table with a orange radio on it and two balcony chairs beside both sides of the metal table at the island's shore, when they reached the table, the figure turned the knob of the radio, only heavy static was heard from the radio, was it broken or something?

Subject Crossover | Book 1(?) | Crossover Au | bad writingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن