A/N [Important]

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Important note

Hello reader, so I'm not putting warnings anymore (because I'm evil /j), reason is because probably later in the other chapters there will be way too many warnings to put and I think it would've spoiled the things, so you better be aware with it because I'm not gonna give anymore warnings, unless it's only one or two than maybe at the above. Next chapter is having some choking in it, so skip that chapter if you don't like choking or have been in a situation where you have been almost choked to death somehow.

Am I adding more Object shows?

Nope, I'm not adding in any other object show characters, not yet at least. So maybe you could suggest some object shows to be seen in the future or something, I don't know I'm just using this to just expand this page because it's very short and basically useless who don't care anything about them warnings. Maybe a object show will be found in the second (not decided yet actually) part of this book or something because if you read the title, I am planning to make a second book about 'Subject Crossover' which will probably come in mid year or somewhere there, so stay tuned for that! (Still not decided yet)

Updates of Chapter 6

Next one is all about ONE object show, so spoiler alert it is the word I keep using for some reason, anyways see you I think in a day or two, hopefully you didn't noticed because I don't want anyone coming after me for this. So get ready for it. (insert Liam's face when he burns the eggs*) Bye!

I just answered a bunch of questions just to expand this note, so you get to suggest an object show that I might not know of because there is a whole lot, so comment below I guess (if you want) if no one says anything I will just be searching the internet or something, I don't know.

280 words

Subject Crossover | Book 1(?) | Crossover Au | bad writingWhere stories live. Discover now