Chapter 7: Speak Up

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Alarm: blaring*

Another day, another headache. Now hunger was taking over them, it's been almost three weeks since they have ate anything. Leafy and Firey? Still missing, worrying level is slowly rising, they were scared, what is going to happen to them? Will their friends save them from this nightmare? They don't know, and they will never know.

The speaker sounds like it's turning on, must be another good morning message. Some ringing was heard, their microphone must've been in terrible quality.

Speaker: Ahem, Good morning subjects! I have a message to you, you are probably  wondering where the two subjects that we took about a few weeks ago, well...

Everyone impatiently waited for their response, they were indeed wondering and they were worrying a lot for them, hopefully they are coming back soon-

They are dead.

The speaker's voice just dropped down, their monotonous voice scared the hell out of everyone. But, Leafy and Firey died. The reason was unknown, but according to the day before, there was smoke coming from the laboratory, it must've been Firey setting Leafy on fire, that explains the smoke from yesterday. The faces in the room were mostly covered in shock, Fanny didn't really care, she just looks very pissed.

Speaker: Yeah...and also, yesterday. With the bottle thing, if you are wondering about yesterday also, about the uh...choking thing. Well, the plastic bottle was injected with an high overdose of serotonin, so he will be coming back in maybe a few short days or so, for now he will be in asylum I guess, anyways bye!

Why was the speaker so weird? It's been speaking with that enthusiastic voice despite everything that has been happening so far, but why? Maybe they were just trying to lighten up the mood? Can't be, kidnappers don't do that, in fact they normally don't give sh*t about anything that happens to them, it is literally their job to grab people and hold them hostage until they either die or get sold to other people that are interested, that happens in the human world. Objects don't usually kidnap others unless it's a good reason, the possibilities are countless of what they would do with them.

Blocky felt light-headed, his vision was constantly blurring him and became annoying quite quick. He couldn't focus much on the things he wanted to focus on and it was as if he was turning blind, he noticed that the room was warmer, but also cold. His fingers where freezing while his sides were sweating, he didn't know why, there was no fan or air conditioner  or heater in the room, so why did it felt so cold? Didn't really know, didn't really care, didn't really matter.

Paintbrush was struggling with words but was very excited when Balloon came to seat with them, of course they had to welcome themselves to him, they shook his hand with the same strength as they did for Leafy when she was still there, Balloon let them do it even though it hurt but it didn't really bothered him too much. He talked to Paintbrush about the lab.

Balloon: Hey Paintbrush? Do you think we will be back home soon? I'm sure the others on the island are worried about our disappearance so maybe they are looking for us...? I don't know, what do you think?

Paintbrush: Who is they?

Balloon: What do you mean...?

Paintbrush: Oh, well I'm just curious who is this 'they' people, y'know?

What happened to them? Did they just forget about their friends in only a few weeks? Balloon was starting to grow worried.

Balloon: You're-friends! Like uh, Candle? And some others?

Paintbrush: You mean that dead looking body on the floor? Points to Amelia*

Balloon: Wha-no! I mean-the purple lit candle! I'm sure you know her before, right?

Subject Crossover | Book 1(?) | Crossover Au | bad writingWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu