Chapter 14: Revealed

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Alarm: Blaring*

Small groans and yelps had slipped out of the subjects mouth, almost as was their first day all over, maybe the alarm is something that no one could really get used to.

'Paintbrush' wasn't really doing well. In fact, they actually had two small weird things bulging out of their back mid way, it was kind of scary and very disturbing, was it a bone? No one really knows. They were rolling around in their sleep all night, the bulging 'bones' were disturbing them, not much sleep did they had that night.

'Paintbrush' looked around the room for a moment, before walking randomly in a direction that was not thought out much, they just started moving their legs, they were brought out of the room about a day ago in the very early morning, a check up happened and it turned out that they were just knocked out for some odd reason.

Balloon also came back a while ago, but Nickel did not, Balloon's appearance was also different, the form is the same, just with different colours and shapes, Balloon had a salmon red on a half of his face, while the other had a slightly dark grey with it, there were still small traces of salmon red in the grey while on the original side, some small grey circles and shapes were seen on them, he looked traumatised and confused at the same time.

Paintbrush looks at them for a moment, before turning back to look at the floor, they were not interested with him.

It's been hours after the weird looking backpack had came back, he was..actually kind of harmless, the scented candle was with him and was talking to him but Paintbrush couldn't hear a thing they said, since they were too far away from them, they should probably talk to someone.

Candle had been with Clover for a while, making sure that she was all safe and alright, how nice of her.

They would just sit beside each other and talk occasionally, Clover was still confused of Candle's long face, whenever something bad was going to happen, Candle would tell Clover to cover her eyes or sometimes she would cover her eyes for her, hoping that she didn't make a single peep.

Airy was found missing this morning..not much to say about him.

Blocky also went missing. Actually no, he was very much dead, the infection on his arm had caused him to get a disease and he died in the middle of the night, how sad..





???: Remember, just look out for traces of sand or anything, got it?

Blocky: Yeah yeah yeah, whatever.

The two crossed over the wet rocks as they moved forward from a land to another one, a river of water was crashing through the hard rocks as they finally took their last steps to the next land.

Blocky: Impatient* When are we there...

???: Soon, this should be it actually, let me check...

Blocky: Yeah right...

The figure went down the small slope down the land, they found a desert, cactuses and..objects? They made a slight gasp before climbing up the slope and grabbed the red block down with it, he didn't like the fact that it had to pull him around when he can walk by himself.

Moments later, they reached the entrance of the desert, in the far distance there is green land, tall mountains were in the background and a large forest could be seen.

Both of them started walking to the land, despite the long distance, they still had the motivation to go there by foot, after that they found small rocks and red blisters on each other's foots and went to the green land with many regrets.

Blocky: Remind me why are we here again? Uh, mister.

Blocky asked, breaking the silence between them, the figure groaned slightly since he has been telling him for several times.

???: You may be free from that hell hole but your friends aren't, that's why we are here, to find other objects for assistance of their whereabouts.

Blocky: ...oh, right...

Blocky just stared down at the ground, he really needed a break, a nap, sleep and a lot of rest, but the figure wouldn't let him, saying that his friends are in serious danger and that he can sit out if he didn't care, kind of sounded like a threat but whatever.

He mumbled silently after the figure's response before staying silent once again.

The figure eventually arrived at a tall building, it was infested with bugs, mold, rust, literally a living nightmare. They went inside, it was in the least have more hospitality than what it looks from the outside, it had a vibrant colour, it contained furnitures like couches, lamps, a table and plants, there even was an elevator at the end of the room, along with a long staircase that seemed to lead upstairs.

The figure dragged Blocky into the elevator, once they entered, the figure pressed the top floor button and stood motionlessly. As the elevator carried them up, Blocky decides to strike a conversation with the figure.

Blocky: Hey, just wondering but..what's your name?

???: No response*

Blocky: Come on! Can you at least answer my question? You have been ignoring me the whole trip here!

???: ...Fealy..

The figure started to fidget their fingers in nervousness after their introduction for some reason, Blocky is a bit confused by this.

Blocky: Oh, okay..

Fealy? Weird name but it's unique. The elevator doors open with a small ding, the two were about to leave when the sunlight suddenly beamed through their eyes, causing Blocky to go blind temporarily, the shadow was not visible anymore.

The figure's dark void colour of their appearance had showed the moment extreme light had hit it, but Blocky could only see a orange and green blur beside him, suddenly the colours started shaking a lot, Fealy was just looking side by side before running off.

Blocky: Wha- Hey! Where are you going?!

Blocky endured the brightness, he stumbled forward and than started running towards the green and orange colours, he put his hand above his eyes to get some shelter, it worked his vision came back and he could focus in front of him, the green and orange colours had turned into a weird blade leaf like thing. It was running but eventually there was nowhere else to go, they were standing at the edge of the roof top, it turned back to see Blocky and a familiar face showed by the light..

Blocky: Wait...Leafy?!



My name is not Leafy.

. . . . . . . . . .
Help us...

Words: 1229
Next update:

A/N: Hi, it's me, your weirdly bad writer here..! I am sorry to say this but..this book will be put on hiatus, that means it's postponed, maybe until March Holidays because school really hit my writing schedule hard, also every time I publish a new chapter I get scared, and when I'm writing I am face to face with stress on this, Im kind of scared that it turns out bad, causing the quality of the recent chapters to go downhill, so I'm taking a break, I apologise if this makes you angry or sad or whatever, or whatever inconvenience caused somehow, but I will be back soon. Hope to see you next time!

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