Chapter 2: More Than One?

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(Note: the objects that are in the show called "ONE" were in episode 18 after Backpack breaks his leg but Airy hasn't died yet. Also Liam is brainwashed of Airy's appearance and maybe even his voice.)

It was early morning but everyone assumed it was late afternoon, it was not like they could check or anything, they were all isolated in a room anyways, it didn't look like they will be getting out anytime soon.

It was at the crack of dawn when the alarm went off, Leafy's headache got even more worse than ever, and it will probably go on for the rest of the days if there was any more left, it was either because of the floor or a scientist did something to her while taking her blood sample, maybe injected a unknown liquid into her system which spreader throughout her body while she was sleeping? Can't be, than she would've gone crazy, just like Blocky and Pin, or is she being driven into insanity and it will take over her completely in a matter of time? She didn't want to think anymore, it was making her head hurt more than it already is.

The metal door opened and there was something at the door's entrance, instead of a person, it was an object, not just any object of course, one that was alive and taken away from its life, one of them was made of glass and the insides were between dark and light blue, while another was a green....lunchbox? Wait no, scratch that, it's a backpack. They were six of them, all of them are unconscious, there were some people dragged them into the room by their limbs, once they dragged them deep enough into the room, they left and closed the door.

Teardrop stared at a particular object, seemed to be a grey rock or stone, seeing that it doesn't have a mouth made her smile a bit, knowing that she isn't the only one that can't speak. She tapped it by it's side, before it woke up, it seemed a bit anxious, she can't tell, it started doing some weird hand signs, she recognized the language and tried making some.

???: [I know everything that will, when and have happened.]

Teardrop: [Whats happening? My friends don't know sign language.]

???: [Im not absolutely sure, but they are planning to do something to us, something bad.]

Teardrop did not understand a bit, her sign language was a bit bad, but she was able to get the main idea in the least. She tries to do another sign with her hands again.

Teardrop: [How can I trust you?]

???: [I don't know how I can get you to trust me but I can try.]

It started thinking of something, before choosing one thing that he knew happened which was before he came to the room.

???: [Candle is planning a way to escape, she can read people's auras and practices meditating with Leafy.]

Candle is looking at the large lights. Teardrop didn't thought much of that as planning, but she is planning to escape through there somehow.

???: [You might be thinking that she is planning to get through the large lights to make a escape.]

Teardrop couldn't help but feel a bit surprised, she thought it was joking, no it was serious. It even knows the names of all the people in the room, Leafy was indeed practicing meditating with Candle. She feels a somewhat form of comfort, knowing that she isn't the only one that can't talk made her feel better, she was born with no vocal cords and the object didn't had a mouth. Teardrop thought about asking it how it knew but didn't know the signs for asking very well and didn't wanted him to get a wrong translation, her sign language was a bit bad anyways. They both kinda just sat beside each other and stare into the floor or the wall.

Teardrop did noticed the people who were dragged in earlier, started waking up, of course Leafy and Paintbrush are waking them up, she stared at one of them, specifically a forest green backpack, one of it's legs looked a bit deformed and broken, it is bandaged up but there is no blood, maybe it broke it's leg? It was having a difficulty standing up despite all of Leafy's attempts of trying to get it to stand up, Leafy decided to leave it there and let it rest it's leg before trying again later.

In the meantime, Leafy walked towards what seemed to be a dulled copper lantern, the left side of it's glass head was broken, it only had one eye, Leafy kicked it lightly at it's side. It did woke up but was slow in words and was unclear with it, it also had a monotone voice, it barely spoke to Leafy and sat up while bringing out something that seemed a bit broken and started looking into it.

???: [Im Stone, if your wondering. Don't introduce yourself, I already know who you are.]

Teardrop nodded, even though she actually didn't understand the last part but she understood most of it. The doors open again, someone pushed Blocky back into the room and closed the door. Blocky lay limp on the floor, still looking a bit sick but at least, better.

The people must have prescribed him medicine, he was holding a bottle of pills, the label was unreadable at this point, as everyone was too tired to read anything, in addition, they also have headaches, mainly because of the floor.

After taking some blood samples, it was finally the end of the day, the time that everyone was looking forward to, where they would finally get some actual rest for the day. The lights dimmed normally, as usual the objects would go to random areas of the room and just sleep there for the rest of the night. Leafy couldn't sleep again, she wasn't tired or just cannot sleep, she was  bored instead and there wasn't exactly anything to do in the room that has basically nothing, she decides to explore the room more adventurously for fun.

After going through some of the objects sleeping bodies, Leafy arrived at the side of the room, while she was exploring, she found something, it wasn't just anything, it was herself but more......different(?). Her reflection had the same body, colour and everything, but the eyes were very different, instead of her normal eyes, both of her eyes were different, one was a half spiral and the other is a bunch of lines, it made her gasped, she yelped and fell down, landing on somebody, it was a mold-y piece of bread, it was half-blind and it did not look happy.

???: Aagh!

The mold-y bread woke up, it seemed to be bit angry and annoyed, Leafy got scared again and quickly crawled away from it.

Leafy: Oh my!-Im sorry!

???: Ugh...Don't worry, it's okay, I'm fine.

The piece of mold-y bread turns away from Leafy and lays back down on the floor, trying to go back to sleep again. Leafy squirmed back to her corner and forced herself to sleep, she eventually did got more tired and almost immediately go to sleep.

Leafy felt the environment change around her, it felt cooling and comfortable, there were white clouds below where she is, she is in in the sky? Leafy didn't know how to react, she looked around and she was the only one there, she doesn't know what's below the clouds, it's silent. Leafy traveled around cautiously, she eventually realised that there was no end of walking, the clouds reached out limitlessly. She sits down on the floor made of clouds, looks she is just dreaming, talking to herself is fine now since no one was there.

Leafy has always wanted to talk with someone about her things, but since she doesn't want to become a burden for them, she stays quiet, maybe one day she would tell, it was not clear, she hasn't made a decision yet. Leafy kept on talking about this for a while before switching topics and thinking about other characters.

Leafy: I think Paintbrush is really nice, and so are their friends, but since I only met them in the first few minutes, how can I really trust them?

Leafy continue talking to herself without much thought. After she was done, she stood up from the cloudy floor, since she was gonna wake up soon, might as well think of something before she leaves, it was something she hoped on.

'Maybe tomorrow will be better.'


1448 words
Next update:
31 December 2022

(Also Merry Christmas!)

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