Chapter 5: Excitment Issues

667 11 14

Mild blood warning

The subject was dragged into the room by a staff member, he let go of their shoulder and they fell on the floor. The person left the room without looking back, he closed the door shut.

He entered the security room and pressed the button to on the alarm, the silence will break the moment he presses it, without hesitation, he pressed the alarm and got ready to use the microphone which was beside the buttons.

Alarm: blaring*

Everyone woke up to the alarm, not really surprised with it anymore, the only one who wasn't awake was 'Paintbrush' and he laid on the floor limp. Leafy noticed, she approached the body and shake it a bit.

Paintbrush(?): No response*

Leafy went from shaking to kicking lightly, and eventually talking by his ears, despite all her efforts, they never moved. She starts panicking, what if they are dead? No it can't be, she is sure they wouldn't leave their body there if they were dead. They suddenly groaned a bit, before trying to stand up but fails.

She jumped a bit by the sudden movement, but felt relieved. 'Paintbrush' was able to stand up but was standing properly, it was good enough for Leafy though. They had their eyes locked onto her, shows some kind of shock, Leafy tries speaking.

Leafy: Hey Paintbrush? Are you okay?

Paintbrush(?): No response*

They seemed unresponsive, but shook their head a bit, signaling that they were not okay. Leafy tries patting them on their soft bristles but they pushed her hand away from them somewhat politely. They tried walking but almost tripped on the floor, luckily Leafy was able to pulls them by their back shoulder. 'Paintbrush' turns around and notices Leafy trying to help them, she thought that they were gonna do something to her, but instead, they smiled.

Paintbrush(?): Oh, hi!

The silver paintbrush waved at her suddenly, she yelped and stumbled back but their sudden response. Their voice sounded beyond the same as the original Paintbrush, it was enthusiastic and a bit like their voice but mostly different, it was more high pitched and energetic than the normal voice.

Leafy: What the...-Uh, hi?

Paintbrush(?): Hello! Shakes her hand violently*

Leafy: Agh! Ow!

Paintbrush(?): Oh, sorry about that!

They stop shaking and let go her hand, smiling widely. 'Paintbrush' awkwardly stood there, waiting impatiently for her response.

Leafy: W-what happened to your voice? You sound almost completely different.

Paintbrush(?): What do you mean? I have always sounded like this!

Leafy: B-but that's not how you sound like! You normally sound deeper and not so...enthusiastic?

Paintbrush(?): I don't get it!

They say mysteriously happy, Leafy seemed confused and worried. She looked at them closely, trying to figure out why they were acting this way, noticing both of their eyes have turned silver was extremely concerning, as if they were possessed by a dead person. 'Paintbrush' eventually walked away and sat down on the floor with a smile still plastered on their face.

Their happy face scares her.

While Leafy just stood there, shocked. She felt something inside, something bad, it was simply a bad feeling, and it's telling her that someone or something is coming, not coming for anyone or everyone but her, and her only. Leafy starts feeling afraid, the voice in her head sounded similar to her's, but it sounded like it was distorting, she felt like she should trust it but it doesn't seem right, it was obviously another bad feeling, which was kind of unsettling. Suddenly, a loud voice boomed throughout the room, interrupting her thoughts.

Subject Crossover | Book 1(?) | Crossover Au | bad writingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora