Chapter 29: Boredom

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[A/N: okay I flipped up my schedule, sorry about that because I had schoolwork and stuffs to do.]

It was another painful day in the room, no entertainment meant eternal boredom. Ugh, it sucked. Bryce would know, his life stuck in a room with strangers is absolute shit. Not like he has social anxiety or anything, it's just they all look like idiots.

They all chatted endlessly and that one on the corner..


He's alone, maybe he should talk to them? A lantern sat in the corner of the room, fiddling with something in their hands, Bryce went over for a closer look. Curiosity took over. He walked to the front of the copper lantern and bent down, the copper lantern looked a little surprised and quickly turned away from him. Bryce sat beside it and tugged it's handle, the copper lantern slightly yelped and immediately turned over with this death stare at him, Bryce just squinted at it back.

After little to twenty seconds past by, the lantern pushed his face away and shoved him on the ground with on hand, the other still holding a metal box. Bryce didn't make a sound and stood up quickly, before grabbing the lantern by its handle and dragging it with him, the copper lantern fell limp, with a traumatized look on its face, it squirmed around while still holding onto the grey box. It started talking to Bryce.

???: let me..go...?

Bryce: No :)

He said with a mischievous grin on his face, he soon dropped the lantern and pinned it on the floor. It let out a small yelp and started trying to push him off, it was surprisingly strong but Bryce was able to hold it off, he didn't know what came over him, but a wave of eagerness and aggression. He hugged the lantern tightly with a smile on his face. The copper lantern was extremely confused but was too scared to move. Bryce started scratching the back off it's globe and rubbing his head against the lantern's 'chest'. It was taken aback by this and quickly tried pushing him away, a scared yet monotonous expression on its face.

Bryce hugged him more tighter, rubbing its back forcefully. The lantern started lightly shaking, it was too sensitive for this. The lantern kept asking him if he could let it go, but Bryce always replied with the same words 'I'm bored, just let me do this..'. The lantern felt extremely uncomfortable like this, its struggles were futile and it eventually gave up. Bryce smiled even wider and bit the lantern on its arm before leaving it there. The copper lantern just limped on the floor and laid there motionlessly, it's eyes slightly widened. It's body was slightly crushed due to the result of Bryce using great force on it but the lantern seemed mostly fine physically, mentally? Not really.

Bryce sat beside a green backpack, still smiling a little. The backpack just looked at him with no emotion, slightly confused about his expression, but never said anything. He looked at it and pulled it closer towards him. Not saying a word. The backpack tried pushing away but Bryce grabbed its handle and it didn't move. The backpack looked worried, even a little scared. Bryce just held it there.

Bryce: Don't worry Backpack-y!

He said while pulling it up in the air with its handle, Bryce laid the backpack in front of him and hugged him from behind like a young child would do if they were in the bus. The backpack kicked its legs miserably, trying to get out of Bryce's hands but was too scared to. This sudden fear had taken over the backpack's emotions and just sat there nervously.

???: Hey! Let me go..! AH!!

Bryce bit its handle, the backpack instantly stopped moving and went limp again. He patted its head and hugged it tightly. The backpack continues to scream in pain. Bryce quickly covered its mouth and pulled it closer to him, petting its pouch roughly. It started to groan slightly, pushing Bryce's hands away and lying down on him, it had lost its control of limbs so might as well right? No, it was a grave mistake. Bryce punched it in the back with great force, still keeping the same expression on his face. It screams loudly. He grabbed the backpack by both of its wrists and placed it on his lap, and pulling its hands around himself.

Subject Crossover | Book 1(?) | Crossover Au | bad writingМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя