Chapter 19: All Together

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Lollipop: Do we SERIOUSLY have to do this?

Gelatin: Sorry Lolly, it's the best way.

Gelatin gave Lollipop a pat on her 'shoulder', with a sorrowful look on his face, while Lollipop stood there staring at Profiley with some slight anger in her.

Profiley: Yeah! It will be fun! And I get to see my other good friends again!

Four: Too bad Profiley, but I DON'T approve of this, they all literally betrayed me!

Four said in anger and vengeance, he could never forget or forgive what they had done, taking his contestants away from Four was absolutely unforgivable for him. He was a fan, he was a host, he was meant to be loved, he WANTED to be loved, but instead he got rejected over another stupid number from his planet.

Both Lollipop and Profiley yelled at each other for a few moments, until finally Lollipop gave in and Profiley was really happy of that.

They all boarded on the normal bus and started their journey to where they once called it, home.

This time, Profiley drove the bus since he really was the only one who knew the directions to the place, since he was the one who brought Teardrop there for some reason.

After hours of driving, they finally arrived at their destination, but it felt unfamiliar, the grass was yellow and the trees and bushes were green? Who changed the colours, when Four saw green he felt some sort of anger as it reminded him of Two.

Profiley: Up there!

Profiley pointed at a tall building that was definitely not there before, it was a hotel and it was very tall, but it looked kind of abandoned still.

They ran up the staircases until they reached a level, a group of familiar objects stood close together, familiar voices argued with a orange basketball and a few blades of grass.

Arguing about something about letting strangers in the premises of the building, wonder what's that about.

Profiley knocked twice on the door, a few minutes later he kicked down the door with the most excited face ever seen, or the only one since no one really knew he existed and he is still somewhat unnoticeable.

The objects turned with a shocked look, while some glared at him, some welcomed him with a warm smile, Bell and Eggy was one of them for sure, they didn't really mind Profiley's random appearances and his own presence itself, though they don't know much or even his personality and name, they still act with a motherly like personality.

Profiley: Hey guys! It's me, Profiley! I just wanted to-

Snowball: Quick! Activate the defence thingy!

Basketball: Um, it's called the Combustible Rocket 2000, and also why would I-

Snowball: Just do it! I wanna see him EXPLODE!

With that, the Basketball pressed the remote controller. Suddenly, a part of the floor opened up and a launcher like machine rose from the hole below, a red rocket was sitting inside of it. In seconds, the launcher launched the rocket at Profiley and the little guy shot out of the door and he was blasted away.

Profiley: Alright never mind! See you later...

Snowball had a large grin on his face, he let out a small chuckle, but upon seeing Bfb contestants, he came to a stop when he realised that Blocky wasn't there.

Snowball: Wait, where's Blocky?

Snowball asked since he hasn't been told that he was already here, just hidden with someone else.

Basketball: He is-

Ruby: He got taken away! But it's fine because we came to ask you about our stuff!

Taco: Please, it's important. Also I'm sure some of Two's contestants are also missing, right?

The ball of snow looked a bit surprised.

Snowball: How did you know! Gasp* Were you.. SPYING ON US?!

Taco: W-what?! No! We-

Before she finished her sentence, Snowball punched her in the face, knocking her out cold.

Snowball: WHOSE NEXT?!

He stood upon Taco's body, showing a fighter like posture, he looked like he was going to throw everyone out.

Suddenly, Bell smashed herself into his body, knocking him unconscious, everyone covered their 'ears' upon hearing the loud ring from Bell.

Bell: Sorry! I had to, he was just being so annoying! What do you want from us?

Flower stood forward, she didn't know what to say but she knew what she needed to ask.

Flower: We wanted you to.. help us find our- your friends, they went missing so we just want your help...! Uh... yeah, yeah.

She sounded quite nervous since she was more cautious of her surroundings and wanted to made sure that she could speak without any interruptions.

It was silent for a moment before someone stepped up from the crowd.

Tree: Yeah, sure. If it means saving another life than you got the right people.

Bottle: Yay! Adventure!

The glass bottle exclaimed happily, while also agreeing to what Tree said.

Black Hole: Yeah, plus some of our teammates are gone and we need them back here to save more lives so I'm willing to join too.

One by one, people from the crowd agreed to one another and soon almost everyone joined in.

Only a few other people didn't join, Basketball and Grassy didn't join because of 'personal reasons', Eggy didn't joined since she was simply too fragile, Clock and Yellow Face didn't joined since one was too scared to mess up and the other just wanted to advertise random stuff, Cake, Price Tag and Naily didn't joined because she doesn't want to be eaten by random things and Naily wanted to keep her company, and so did Price Tag, Puffball didn't went because she was not trusted by GB and TB.

Gelatin: Okay! That settles it! For people who didn't joined, you will be taking care of this.. place, so onward!

They all officially started to go on, Ruby took out her trusty FreeSmart Super Van, apparently flying objects were more than happy to help, too bad Puffball couldn't go, she would have been useful for that.

And they started their official journey to Yoyle City to save them. There would be many challenges, but it will all be worth it in the end...



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N/A [Reason: I don't know what date I should set it on, when decided than this message will be gone and replaced with official release date.]

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