Chapter 23: Reality Change

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The consequences of their actions are far greater than ever expected. A reality portal broke through and holes opened up to different worlds where it all ended differently, and none of them were happily.

The screams of horror became louder and louder as time passed mercilessly. Was it supposed to be this way?

Candle didn't seem happy, Clover was dead in that reality. But here she was, alive and breathing, did they kill her? In that reality, no one broke into the lab, so Candle didn't leave, Firey and Leafy were alive and Fealy didn't existed. Blocky died and went with the image of Leafy in the radio room, which meant that he was gone forever. Soda Bottle died in the procedure and so did Backpack, Scenty and Moldy also died in that reality, and both - - - - and  - - - - - escaped. If it really was like that, than what would the ending be like?

The only thing left was Lightning and Remote huddling up together, both trying to have their last breathe before the fires engulfed them. Fanny was missing.




Reality Portal 3/?

Soda bottle: Hey Liam? You good?

Backpack: Huh...? Y-yeah...where...are..we...?

Soda Bottle: Try not standing in one place for too long, or you will be like him.

Points towards the toothpaste sitting on the chair*

Backpack: you...think we....can go back home...?

Soda Bottle: Not sure, maybe Stone will be here.

Backpack: Why do you.....sound so...okay...with this...?

Soda Bottle: Don't know.

Stella is waving at him*


Soda Bottle: Hey Liam?

Backpack: What...?

Soda Bottle: Just in case we both uh, don't make it out of this place.

Backpack: Yeah...?

Soda Bottle: Just, I want to say that. I uh, love you. As a brother of course.

Backpack: That's....nice of you...Bryce...Sorry I'm....not really sure feel about....this.

Soda Bottle: Don't worry! Just, take your time.

Backpack: I...uh-

Splashing noises*



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