Chapter 1: Marriage

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Two years.

Two years of isolation and solitude with his wretched family.

Two years since he had seen Sebastian after Damien had convinced him not to tell anyone of Sebastian's horrible deed. Two years since he had seen Hogwarts and had the freedom he had so briefly treasured.

Those two years had changed him. Gone were the brief smiles, the jokes and laughter he'd shared with his friends. He felt his heart had grown cold, to resist his family further. It was easier to just withdraw himself, to simply not interact with them.

Marvolo had made his life hell since he had come back home, keeping a constant eye on him to make sure he couldn't have even an ounce of time to himself to reminisce on his memories.

They were his only solace.

He had tried to send owls in secret to Sebastian, but after Anne had taken a turn for the worse he had never had them returned. He feared his friend may have done something terrible, but he was left in the dark. Like always. Even Damien had stopped responding to him, though that was likely from him dealing with his new role as peacekeeper around Hogwarts.

"Ominis, she is here to see you." A voice said from the doorway to his room where he lounged. His father, who had organized an arranged marriage for him.

He wrinkled his nose in disgust at whoever this woman was to be. If his family had chosen her then she must be as bad as them. It was no one he wanted to know, but he didn't have much of a choice in the matter. It was either this or risk another cruciatus curse.

"Fine." He said simply, waving a hand carelessly for her to be let in.

The ruffle of skirts let him know she had entered the room, but he didn't bother looking toward her. Why would he? It would just be symbolic anyway, and he had no desire to acknowledge her.

"Good evening." A soft voice said to him. "My name is Ariadne."

An odd name to come from a family similar to his, for certain.

"You know who I am already." He said coldly.

"Yes, Ominis Gaunt." She said in a voice still just as soft. He noticed it was also strangely monotone.

"What more do we need, then?" Ominis sat up from his spot lounging. "Did you volunteer for this joining?"

"No," Ariadne said quietly, her voice filled with an odd emotion he couldn't quite read.

"Then names will do for now." He said tersely.

There was a tense silence between them for a moment. "People will expect more." She insisted.

"I really don't give a shit what people expect." He snapped.

She went silent again, and he heard her skirts ruffling again. "Very well. I will see you at the wedding, Ominis." She said softly, that monotone sound back to her voice.

He said nothing as she left, merely listened to her skirts rustling as she closed the door quietly behind her.

This woman was obviously working with his family, and he really wanted nothing to do with her. She seemed manipulative, if her monotone voice was to go off of. It made it difficult for him to read her without being able to see her expressions.

He didn't trust her.


Ominis stood frowning at the ceremony, the small gathering little more than their immediate families and the officiate. It was more clinical than anything, simple meaningless vows and short terse words from them both. They knew what they were in for, and they knew what would happen if they didn't agree to follow through with this.

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