The First Encounter (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

"Kat, what do you like to draw the most?"

"Landscapes!I love capturing different shades of sunset especially. I usually see the most beautiful sunset in Autumn time in Sydney" she suddenly stood up and took of her art diary and showed her one of her paintings to Harry, as he watched every move she made.

"See this!" As she linger her fingers along the art.

"Puffy clouds are scuffed around the shady blue sky, but the clouds is reflecting the colour of the sun rimming, there's a bit of orange and red - it's rather my favourite"

The corner of Harry's lips rose up, and his striking emerald eyes twinkled at her, that made Kathy uncomfortable.

"What about you? what kind of songs do you like to sing or write?" Harry was about to speak but Kathy placed her hand on his pink luscious lips.

"Let me guess about the love of your life Louis?" she teased, she pulled her hand away and laughed.

"Hey stop teasing!" Harry shrugged away, but Kathy continued to laugh.

"OK, tell me about Louis what's so good about him that someone like you Mr Styles had fallen in love very deeply?"

And so quickly Harry's eyes lit up and said:

"I don't mind sharing -OK here goes" sounding nervous. "He's my sister's friend then he started to hang around with my sister which I thought he had thing for her but apparently no. Then my sister asked if he could tutor me in music like - he gave me guitar / piano lessons and mind you he's incredible at what he does - Don't even get me started with his voice. It's so unique when he starts listening y'know straight away that it's Louis Tomlinson."

Kathy laid back on the couch, listening intently to Harry talking about his love of his life. Then there was a long paused in Harry end.

"That's it?" Kathy muttered

"No of course not, I'm just finding it hard to talk about him right now" Harry choked.

"Anyway - without even realising that I'm getting captured with his wilderness already, and Kat - he's very funny! he always had the tendency to make me laugh no matter what mood I'm in. He gave me a nickname - he always calls me Harold - until today I don't know why. I corrected him many times but he continued to call me Harold, it looks like it made him happy because he would smile whilst he says it so I just let him. Louis is the kind of person that you want just to admire - he's really interesting and did I mention that he's really loud? - loud - like loud, Kat"

"OK - Harry I get it he's loud - how does he feel about you?"

Suddenly, Harry sigh softly and collapsed on the arm rest.

"That's the thing I didn't understand, he has a girl-friend Elle, she's very pretty they suited very well, perfect in Louis' eyes but there was one night, the last night I ever saw him - about 2 years ago now. He came by to play some fifa but he was acting weird and he made me all nervous that night. He would come really close then he kissed me first" As Harry touches his lips and remembered the touch of Louis' soft mouth.

Kathy rolled her eyes and she too sigh.

"Wake up Harry! Gosh - this is sort of serious - you are so in love with this Louis and far out he feels the same about you! I know it" said Kathy.

"No, but he pushed me to the pavement, while I called out for him. Ever since that night for weeks I would message him but he changed his number too. My sister said that Louis told her that he can tutor me any longer due to his studies and that he's busy - ugh I felt such a fool I should of not kiss him back" said Harry.

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