Flawless- tom riddle

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This is a Tom oneshot but it is told in Mattheo's pov- bear with me it'll make sense.

Mattheo and Theo had been joking around in potions knowing they could get away with it. Snape was biased towards all Slytherins but Mattheo more or less, he was good friends with his mother and father. Mattheo wished snape had told him off right about now, they were working on a heritage potion and him and Theo were messing about, there was an explosion and Mattheo woke up alone, head pounding lying on the potions room floor.

It was clear he had gone back in time- the potions room was much brighter, Definitely not how snape kept it and the stuff was much newer. He saw some photographs on a shelf behind the desk and one caught his eye. It was one he had been shown multiple times. The old potions master in the middle- professor slughorn smiling brightly. On either side his parents. His father as regal and as proper as ever. Thomas riddle always boasted about how in his day he was the pride n joy of the slug club. An elite society that only accepted elite students. He said  the only one that slughorn respected more was on the other side of him.

His mother- probably going crazy at home dealing with her husbands antics. She was always extremely beautiful- her bright eyes shone through sided by the dress she was wearing.

He was told about that night thousands of times. The night they met. 6th year- 1977 the first formal gathering off the slug club for that year. Both tom and y/n were being lead around like show ponies. For both of them it started off terrible being stuck together all night. While they had never talked before they were always annoyed with eachother. Both slytherins and both with high academic prowess they were always vying for top spot.

Apparently that night they got to talking and became friends was there word. Actually they ended up having sex in the corridor after the party but Mattheo never listened to the details about that.

He heard someone come in and was astounded how much his mum hadn't changed in 19 years, maybe that was the efffect of a horcrux or 2. He tried to talk to her after she sat down but it was obvious she couldn't hear him. So he just sat and watched her study. Even he didn't see his father come in so it was no suprise when the younger version of his mother cursed.

"Bloody hell tom!" She gasped and his father laughed. Dropping his stuff next to her and sitting down. Mattheo sat across from then, rambling about whatever he could think of while they sat there. Mattheo wanted to go back- he was watching his father dope over her and he couldn't really blame him. "You really are flawless my love" he heard his father whisper and Mattheo  gagged. He had to watch this enough in his timeline he didn't have to watch it now.

He blinked and he was on the floor once again. Theo laughing his ass of at him laying confused on the floor. " fuck up nott and help me"

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