Me coming out as bisexual in my dr

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Lol okay I said I was going to do this awhile ago but here we are this is my coming out with each character

faerylustre I did it bby FINALLYYYYYYYYYY

Lol alright here we go

Harry; he was the first person I came out too, he found me mid mental breakdown because figuring out your sexuality is confusing. He was so supportive oh my lord, he gave me a pride flag and gave me a hug to stop me from throwing myself out the window as that night I was trying so hard to deny what I was and he made sure I felt loved and accepted.

Hermione; she found out when I told her, I sat her down explained everything and after she just gave me a hug and said "I am too, maybe we can help y and be each-other's support"

Draco- i told him and the rest of my Slytherin friends [ Theo, Enzo , mattheo and pansy] when we were high and i got dared to kiss pansy and after pulling away very happily said ' this is why im bisexual] to wich Theo said SAME and gave me a high five , we proceded to cuddle for the rest of the evening and no one else i don think registered what i said as they were talking about the fact unicorns are just horses with a party hat on there forehead.

Angelina- she found out because we got drunk in 4th year and slept together 🥳 would recommend she's hot as fuck and good I told her the next morning and she gave me a hug and told me she loved me and that if We were both single by 25 let's marry each-other

Fred- I was so fucking scared to tell the twins even more then my parents. I told Fred first because I had to tell him first and maybe he could help me tell George. I told him the summer between 4th and 5th year. ( I figured out my sexuality like 2 months before that) anyway, I took him outside and I tried telling him I got out " I have to tell you something and I hope you still love me after I tell you this"  then I literally started sobbing. I could not control it anymore and it just started coming out. i managed to stop crying after 15 minutes then told him and you know started crying again. he didn't say anything at first because he was trying to stop me from full on sobbing again but after he got me in a big Fred Weasley bear hug [ would recommend these] he said and again i quote "harp's i know you are, im your best-friend an d you are an idiot if you thought this would make me love you any less"

George- this will be long but anyway; i don't want to say he knew last but he kinda was the last one i sat down and talked too about it because he was the one i was most scared of loosing. I told him in summer at the burrow. I had bee talking to Fred about it a-lot because i was so freaking scared and this lead George to think we were dating as we kept sneaking off and talking in hushed whispers and would stop whenever he or someone else walked in the room and it was bothering him because he was in love with me at this point {his words} and didn't want to loose me to Fred and we ended up fighting about it making him leave me and Fred by the pond while he went to his room. i decide keeping this secret was ding more harm then good now and it was time, i followed him and he was sitting on the edge of his bed looking at a scrap book of photos i gave him for his birthday. he gave me a-little jab about how i should be with Fred and thats when i walked over to him took the book out of his hands grabbed the hands instead and sat next to him. i explained everything about my sexuality, how i figured it out and told him thats why me and Fred where talking without him  because he was trying to convince me how ' George freaking adores you he wouldn't abandon you hell he probably already knows' after this i had tears in my eyes and a few strays falling and he wiped them away and pulled me into his lap. [ dies remembering the cuteness of this oh my lord] we stayed quiet for awhile but eventually he told me what Fred had been telling me the whole time wich was { harper you are my best friend, my favourite human being in the world, you being bisexual doesn't change that" 

^ most scary and stressful thing i've ever done but this is what made me realise how fucking in love with him i was so....

Lily/James/remus/Sirius/Marlene/dorcas; i told them all at the same time the first day of summer holidays when we were all outside i literally just asked Marlene " can you take me to pride" she very quickly agreed, then turned to dad and asked straight up " can you buy me a bisexual pride flag?"  that was a group hug i couldn't fucking breathe in they were all very accepting and when i asked mum and dad later if they cared they looked at me and said ' we've known since you were 4 sweetheart. We don't care as long as you're happy besides have you seen your family friends?"

Everyone else- god this is fucking chaos. anywhoooo i told the entire rest of the school when me and Carly [ a lesbian Ravenclaw form my dr based on my irl best-friend] announced a pride event while wearing  tye dye tops in the colour of our pride flags with our pride flags also face painted on our cheeks :} 

Everyone was supportive and those who weren't lost some teeth { im a very string puncher]

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