Hold on to me - mattheo riddle

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A/n; my little cousin passed away and here's how I think Mattheo would react if your own family member passed away

My little sister passed away last night and I was going home to be with my family. I was packing a bag throwing in the things I need trying to busy my mind to not completely break down when my door opened. It was Mattheo coming back from getting coffees. While he was gone is when mcgonagall came into my room. I didn't want to explain what happened but apparently I didn't need to because he put the coffes down and immediately wrapped me in his arms. "I ran into Mcgonagall,." That explained it.

He pulled me away from the bag to just stay in his arms. "You'll be okay princess." He whispered and I just started crying. I Weasley my way out of his arms to continue packing but I still had tears running down my face. After I finished I turned to him so I could hug him again. "oh my baby." He whispered pulling me to sit in his lap with my head in his neck.

"Can you uhm, can you come home with me. I really want you there." I whispered and he nodded. "Of course baby." I got up to start his bag but he pulled me back down. "I'll do my bag princess. You rest okay." He whispered putting me on his bed and giving me one of his hoodies to cuddle. A couple minutes later he kissed my shoulder. "Let's go home love."

I let him pull me off the bed and he levitated both our bags so he could walk with his arm around me. When we got to the office I was met with my dad and my older sister. My family had already met Mattheo and loved him. Especially my little sister.

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