George Weasley in my dr

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- he's a chaotic little shit that's for sure

- he's such a hopeless romantic its adorable

- loves muggle carnivals and rollercoasters ( little adrenaline junky)

- this mother fucker is so clumsy. He falls over or trips or drops something every two minutes

- something that surprised me is how easy he injures himself. He'll fall over at the wrong angle or land funny and bamn sprained ankle or wrist

- something that also surprised me is he gets nervous quite a lot. To distract himself he either fidgets or fiddles with things. He likes playing with my hands especially my fingers bracelets and rings. If it gets to much he'll tug on my shirt and ill get us an excuse to leave

- he enjoys small pda like cheek or temple kisses. He also holds my hand or intertwines our pinkies

- he's not scared of much but one thing he is scared of is thunderstorms. He can't sleep during one unless he's with someone he loves. Usually me or fred

- nearly all his gifts are handmade and there all adorable. I have over a hundred origami figurines from him

- I teached him muggle sports over summer and his favourites are either soccer or baseball

- we both love horror movies but we usually can watch the whole thing otherwise we won't sleep. After watching one the cuddles are always tighter.

- loves romantic showers and bubble baths. He always blows bubbles at me so I give him a bubble beard

- he's a momma's boy however he does research and takes muggle studies for something he can bond with his dad and later my mum ( lily ) over.

- He tires to not be but he's clingy but I love it and so am I so who cares

- he finds my skin make up and hair care routines fascinating and watches me

- he likes stelaing my eyeliner if I can't find it's either him or angie that have it

- I never call him by his name its either pretty boy, love or Georgie never George

- ^ only Call him George when he's in trouble

- he has the biggest sweet tooth beaten only by ron

- we both like writing so we write little poems or short stories and give them to each other

- he's such an angel with little kids

- he tries so hard in school to impress his family but his heart is whole heartedly the joke shop

- love language is physical touch and words of affirmation

- never cals me harper ( name in my Dr ) it's darling, pretty girl ( when he wants something) or love

- we like to press our foreheads together. It helps calm us down. It happens before any test exam or game ( we both Quidditch players)

- we both hiccip super loud and it annoys us but the other finds it adorable

- he always nuzzles his head into my neck ( this kills me everytime because its so cute) ( not to mention the goosebumps it gives me when he talks or laughs )

- he reads my emotions like a book it's so annoying

- when he's sad he'll refuse to admit it. He'll just cup my face and smile at me or stare blankly at a wall.

- he hates no despises big bulky winter coats. Only fuzzy and thick sweaters. He runs away from me when I try and get him to put a coat on 😡

- he's very ticklish but every time I try and use it against him he retaliates and it's awful NEVER START A TICKLE FIGHT WITH A WEASLEY

- when he's happy he does little leg kicks and it's so freaking cute. ( often does it when he sees his favourite foods on the table )

- he has little dances happy dance, excited dance, cheer me up dance, give me cuddles dance.

- he has a mood ring as a joke but it's  often pretty acurate

- he gives me soft forehead and hand kisses

-he whispers soft cute compliments in my ear especially of I'm nervous or sad or any negative emotion

- he is the worst and I mean the worst secret keeper when it's not my secrets he's keeping. He always acts so weird.

- he plays guitar quite well

- he draws on my hands a lot often little hearts

- he does face masks with me and even when I tell him no he licks them to see how they taste

- to get my attention he either pokes me or lightly tugs my hair

- he only has plain cheese pizza And if you try and give him anything else he will straight up refuse like a todler. He even smacks it out of your hands if you keep trying.

- freaking launches himself at me. I'll be laying down and bam I have a 6.3 Quidditch player on me demanding attention

-sad warning! Whenever he says he tries to laugh to convince himself he's okay ( he's not :(

- skin to skin cuddles: not sexual he just enjoys these alot

- his three favourite drinks are chocolate milk pumpkin juice or butterbeer

- he loves and I mean loves marshmallows. I'll wake up to go to the bathroom or realise he's not there and he's just sitting on the floor eating straight marhsmallows like its not 3am and I need my personal heater back!

- he calls himself my favourite ginger ( he calls himself this. I don't call him this despite what he tries)

- plays Quidditch to relieve stress and doesn't stop until I drag him inside or he's completely exhausted and then I have to haul his arse back to the castle or house anyway

- OH MY MERLIN OKAY SO- fred is petrified and I mean petrified of haunted houses so of course George drags him into them despite him kicking and screaming then scares him relentlessly

- grabs and spins me around at random times aka most inconvenient you can think of

- jinxes me all the time STOP JINXING ME

- he likes giving death stares. Its hot and also kind of scary

- he hates planes he throws up :(

- he also hates throw up

- hates people touching his hair except me so naturally fred and lee try to touch them which then leads to them fighting and angered Georgie

- he wrestles with anyone that volunteers chill out pls

- he rarely gets caught doing pranks he always escapes and leaves poor fred to deal with it. When he does however he shuffles his feet and grins wildly

- ^ he does this whenever he gets caught going something he shouldn't have

- the king of sarcasm and mockery <- prime source of entertainment

- because he's clumsy he often accidentaly breaks things and or losses things

- he loves beanies and wears them all the time even in summer and its so freaking cuts

- has dumb ass competitions with fred and lee to see who gets the most dizzy and then complains to me when he is

I'm going to need a part 2 or 3 so that's the next chapter :)

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