Theo nott-

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Lol I'm sorry I dropped off for 2 weeks I got preoccupied with other books:) pls drop requests :) also Lorenzo zurlo hot ass mf and this chapter had me grinning:)

Added; would you be open to theo x oc book?

Theo never thought he would be this in love with someone at 14. He had every intention of not being tied down till next year at the absolute earliest. One look at her however and it all came crashing down. He always found her attractive but something changed this year. Theo was head over heels, pinning after her and following her like a lost puppy. She didn't mind because she had been openly pining after him ever since Daphne ( a mutual friend of the two) introduced them.

She had been obviously crushing on him since last year and anyone could see it, except the boy who was meant to see it and vice versa. Theo tried to keep up a tough stone cold act but whenever she was around he turned to mush and let out his very prominent and obvious simp side. He almost made it the whole year without slipping up. Key word was almost.

The last party of the year he had a few shots of fire whiskey just to keep the buzz and have fun without throwing in up relentlessly on the train home the next day. He also had another good reason to stay remotely in control of his inhibitions because y/n looked incredible. He picked out that dress for her to wear weeks ago but she ended up going with another option for pansy's birthday Wich was what the dress was for. She decided tonight she would wear it and everyone in the room thanked her for the descision Liz

He kept himself sane until she sat next to him on what was supposed to be a one person armchair yet they both managed to fit, after she sat herself comfortably on Theo's lap like it was no big deal.

Theo however started internally screaming.

She was on him, arse and all. He didn't know what to do with his hands at first. Eventually he settled for one loosely around her waist and the other on a fist on the arm rest of the chair. White knuckles, fingers clenched to stop himself from freaking the fuck out.

He thought he had composed himself and was out of the words until she started squirming. fuck stop moving. He wanted to scream before this turned real awkward real fast. Y/n however felt his grip tighten on her and felt his leg start bouncing. No theo stop. She thought but didn't say, she did turn around so she could look at him.

" Are you okay, I didn't hurt you did I?" she asked calmly and theo sighed gathering his composure that hadn't completely evacuated. " I'm fine, you didn't hurt me," he said trying not to give himself away. He was going to keep his cool and his feelings at bay.

That was until his eyes drifted to her lips and everything fell apart and his self-control flew out the window. He couldn't help it anymore he had to kiss her, he has too, he couldn't do this anymore.

His desires took over and he moved his hand from a rounder waist to the back of her neck and pulled her in till their lips met. It was appetitive on both sides yet delicate because it was there first.

The music was so loud they didn't hear their friends cheering in the background. Even if they kissed in the library they wouldn't hear them because the only thing they were focused on was each other. mind, body and soul.

They didn't want to pull apart and theo being his stubborn self kept tugging on her bottom lip to try and keep her connected to him. He admitted defeat but now had both arms snaked around her wiast proudly. She was leaning backwards onto him and rested her head on his shoulder and her lips a slight lean away from his neck for her convenience.

they stayed that way till the party was over and theo carried her back to his dorm like a gentleman. Helping her drukenself change into one of his shirts then cudlding under the covers till she fell asleep.

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