How does your brain function ( Mattheo riddle )

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Why must my boyfriend be such a fucking idiot? Seriously where in his right mind does he believe anything he does is a good idea. Whether it's pranking teachers, bullying innocent kids, going to class high as a kite, punching anyone he feels like, getting stupid drunk at parties. Whatever he does it's always bound to end in injuries and chaos.

This is why I'm there. To be his brain when he's left it in his dorm room or a ditch somewhere. Screw that, his brain is always in the gutter. I could say something about the garden or pancakes and his brain finds a way to make it dirty and inappropriate. That's why wherein our current situation. In detention because Mattheo can't shut the fuck up and I get stuck in the crossfires.

Why on earth did he think it was a good idea to tell snape to get some before our next class while I was holding the ingredients that make potions blow up. He said it and immediately got detention and because he said it I was shocked and ended up putting a bit too much sulphur in the potion and it ended up going boom making me get detention.

So now I'm sitting here covered in potion goop next to my idiot boyfriend sitting in silence because snape had to leave the room to deal with some matter. the minute he left mattheo leaned over to kiss me but I put my hand up making him stop because I never refused his kisses no matter where they were.

" darling I'm sorry. If it makes you feel better you look hot covered in a potion" he said and I rolled my eyes.

" How does your brain function? I mean seriously love. What in Merlin's name made you think that was a good idea. You have no filter and you need one!" I snapped and shifted in my seat so I was facing away from him.

" princess I'm sorry I didn't think you would get caught up in this. I love you and you do look hot covered in the potion. Please don't be mad at me baby" he pleaded and I could tell he was trying his absolute hardest to me make me cave. I tried hiding the fact he made me smile but he must be seen it.

" come on baby you suck at faking being mad at me. your smiling, quite adorably actually" he smiled moving in his chair so he could drag my chair closer to his so he could put his head on my shoulder.

" I'm not faking being mad at you" I pointed out and he only wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap from my chair. " yeah you are because you love me, how about you stop being mad at me Baby so I can have my kiss please?"

I caved. I know I shouldn't have but he's just too freaking adorable. I turned my body to face him and kissed him softly " your right I do love you. now detention is over according to the clock so can you please help me shower so I can get this fucking disgusting goop off me"

He smiled standing up and pulling me up with him. " you had at me at help you shower princess. now come on let's make you even more beautiful"

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