the worlds cruel - Harry Potter

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In 1993 Harry's life changed forever he learnt the twin and younger sister of the two people he hated more than anyone else wasn't their sister or twin. She was his.

Charlotte Aubrey Riddle, Younger sister of Tom riddle and Twin of Mattheo riddle. Wasn't Charlotte riddle.

She was Charlotte Lilly Potter, Kidnapped on Halloween 1981 from her crib by the dark lord. Ge had come.for her and took her before slaughtering the family except Charlotte's brother who defeated him. She went to the orphanage with her siblings because the dark lord had gotten rid of any proof there was a second kid in that house.

It was unclear why he decided to save her, but for the next 12 years she believed she was a riddle and all harry knew about his twin was her name.

He had no idea that the riddle girl he hated was his twin. She looked like her brothers, she had there brown eyes, her birthday was August 1st and she seemed to be exactly what her brothers were. A bitch.

He only learnt who she was when he was told by Remus lupin and Sirius black in the shrieking shack before everything went to shit. He asked told her that night and after some forceful magic she got the conformation from tom.

Fast forward to August 1997

Charlotte had been missing ever since the department of mystery's battle. Harry had watched Bellatrix drag her out of the room where she had just killed there Godfather. He tried saving Charlotte from the binds but by the time Voldemort had arrived he was not happy to see Harry trying to rescue his sister. He then instructed Bellatrix to take her back to base and the last time harry saw his sister was when she was screaming for him and yelling for her supposed farther not to do this to her.

Now he was sitting alone outside bill and fleurs tent with fred who was Charlotte's boyfriend for a year before she was taken. They were sharing stories about the brunette sitting in the grass. They had a cake in front of them with 17 candles in it. How old Charlotte was that day.

" we'll get her back" harry muttered to fred who was watching the flames on the cake. "I need her harry" he muttered blowing out the candles for his girl. "Me too"

While this was happening Charlotte was struggling against Scabiour who was trying to have his way with her while Tom and mattheo were forced to watch and do nothing.

April 12th 1998

Harry had left on Charlotte's birthday to go Horcrux hunting with Ron and Hermione. If he could defeat and kill the dark lord he could save his twin He knew time was running out and it was. Charlotte Wasnt kept in the dungeons she was kept in a room in malfoy manner. Once every week since she had turned 17 some unknown death eater, mostly scabiour would enter her room and used her as there own doll. This had been happening for 10 months so Charlotte had just learned to completely disassociate and comply in hope she wouldn't be killed. And when she resisted it would just be longer.

April 12th was the day harry saw his sister again. Harry was bound to the railing in some room while hearing Hermione screaming in a pain and Ron yelling at being forced to watch her torture.

Hardy had no idea what this was but he knew it would be good. There was a small bee in the middle of the room with leather handcuff straps halfway down and a muzzle hanging if the top left. Whatever he expected was not what happened. He watched scabiour bring Charlotte in the room despite her strugglin. Harry knew what was happening very quickly and lost his mind. His struggle against the binds did nothing. That hour was the worst hour of his life. Feeling so hopeless and a failure as he watched his sister struggle against the binds.

Before scabiour left he undid the binds and quickly left the room. Harry wasn't concerned with him, he was concerned about his twin who was still tied down. He removed the cuffs and muzzle of her face. She just laid there still, barely breathing, she dissociated halfway through and now she was just laying there starting at the spot where harry was. Now he was cradling her against the wall with his jacket over her, trying to stop her shivering.

This was when he was moved to where Hermione and Ron where and he took Charlotte with him refusing to leave her behind. He had called for do by a minute before and it was thanks to him they could make there escape. When he landed on the beach he was still holding his sister. He carried her up the sand to the house onto the bed in the room fleur told him to put her in.

Fred had come the minute he heard she was there and was now the one holding her while she slept as harry stayed in the chair holding her hand. "Why'd this happen Harry" Fred muttered running a hand through get newly brushed hair.

"Because The worlds terribly cruel" he responded watching his sister praying she could overcome this.

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